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And then, like a true French-woman of business, she brought back the conversation to the one important point: since money was not in question, upon what consideration would Monsieur accord his preference to the Toison d' Or instead of to the Croix de Malte? Müller bowed, laid his hand upon his heart, and said: "I will do it, pour les beaux yeux de Madame."

Then it had been all for the Young Turks and reform; now it hankered after the old regime and was the last hope of the Orthodox. It had no use for Enver and his friends, and it did not regard with pleasure the beaux yeux of the Teuton. It stood for Islam and the old ways, and might be described as a Conservative-Nationalist caucus.

"Votre beauté, grande princesse, Porte les traits dont elle blesse Jusques aux plus sauvages lieux: L'Afrique avec vous capitule, Et les conquêtes de vos yeux Vont plus loin que celles d'Hercule."

Her thoughts brought back a day when she had shown Mademoiselle the names in her birthday-book and dwelt on one page and let Mademoiselle understand that it was the page brown eyes les yeux brunes foncees. Why did Mademoiselle and Fraulein think that bad want to spoil it for her? She had said nothing about the confidences of the German girls to anyone. Elsa must have found that out from Clara.

" ce peuple de rivales Qui toutes, disputant, d'un si grand interet, Des yeux d'Assuerus attendent leur arret. 'She is well enough, certainly; but the comtesse du Barry excels her a hundredfold': then follow such shrugs, such contortions of countenance, and such vain efforts to repress the rage of disappointed vanity and ambition, that I am nearly ready to die with laughter.

"Notre déroute se présenta a mes yeux sous le plus désagréable point de vue, et pour n'être point chargé de la mauvaise manoeuvre d'autrui, je ne songeai plus qu'

I committed that indiscretion in Rome with a little Spanish dancer who ought to have known better than to be attracted by my beaux yeux for I had nothing else to offer her. We existed in misery for a couple of years and then she left me, for a more gilded position. But I had the child, which was all I cared about.

Any matter of moment, any thing bordering upon confidential communication, was alone to be trusted entre quatre yeux. The servants in every family, it was well known, were universally in the pay of government. They could not be hired till they produced their licenses, and these licenses, to serve as domestics, they all procured from the office of the police.

Another much-employed metre was this, of the hundred and thirty-third psalm: "Asais aux bors do ce superbe fleuve Que de Babel les campagnes abreuve, Nos tristes coeurs ne pensoient qu' a Sion. Chacun, helas, dans cette affliction Les yeux en pleurs la morte peinte au visage Pendit sa harpe aux saules du rivage." A third and favorite metre was this:

Father Rielle, he's no harm. He cannot marry mademoiselle nor any one else; besides, he has no money. Mlle. Pauline she is for the money." "Ah ha, I believe you. We used to read or sing, I forget which, at college, about 'Les beaux yeux de sa Cassette'. I do not know the origin of the quotation, but you understand, Mr.