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"'Come, rouse up!" said Jeff, still struggling with the door, "rouse up and lend a hand yer!" Thus abjured, the stranger crept along the wall towards Jeff and began again, "We have met with an accident."

Peter straightened himself up with the flowers he had cut in one hand, and stared in surprise. "The bees!" he repeated. He strode up to the hives, took up a handful of bees and let them crawl about him, which they did without any sign of anger. "Why ever don't they sting yer?" asked Lilac, shrinking away. "They know I like 'em," answered Peter, returning to his flowers. "They know a lot, bees do."

That sort of interruption did not so much embarrass her, but once or twice she was nearly thrown off her beam-ends by men and boys shouting, 'Wot's the matter with yer anyway? Can't yer get a husband? and such-like brilliant relevancies. Although she flushed at some of these sallies, she stuck to her guns with a pluck that won her friends.

Each has his say, and one as good as the other?" "Nothing without a council and two votes to decide, so ye two'll be yer own masters, having the two votes against me, with my advice for help. There's fifty thousand pounds for each of us, and we'll separate in London and go our own ways if ye like. I'll swear a black oath to that, and my word's good, as ye both know. "Did I ever break it to ye?

Or you can go back to the hold life, Joe Barnes; you're elder, and can bear it better. Yer head is tough by now, I guess; a big blow on it won't hurt you much; and you'll never see yer old mother or yer brother but never mind. Yer whole life will be spent in utter misery still, never mind, that ere dirty purse is safe; never mind aught else."

O Heaven! what if I had failed to hear it!" "I should have been swept away," said Noll. Here Hagar recovered her wits sufficiently to give a little howl of lamentation. "Out ob de sea! out ob de sea!" she cried; "de Lord be t'anked fur it! Dat yer sea am a drefful t'ing, honey, allers swallerin', swallerin', an' nebber ken get 'nough fur itself, nohow.

"I wanted to see yer face, sir, that was all, if ye'll not take it amiss." Before me stood a tall old man with his hat in his hand, clothed as I have said, in a white smock-frock. He smoothed his short gray hair with his curved palm down over his forehead as he stood. His face was of a red brown, from much exposure to the weather.

Are your right arm hurt?" "Lone Wolf will fight the white dog with his strong arm." "No, yer don't that's played out," growled the scout, shoving his knife back in his girdle.

"Certainly not; but as I'm goin' to take ye away out o' this here limbo, it is needful that I should prewent you from lettin' people know that yer goin' on your travels; for I've heerd say there's some o' yer friends as is plottin' to help you to escape." "Have I not said already that I do not wish to escape, and therefore will not take advantage of any opportunity afforded me by my friends?

In growing alarm she watched his face, and at last she slipped upon her knees, but he had her up at once and said, reproachfully: "It were me as teached yer to pray, and now yer prays for me! That's fine treatment!"