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This was too much; and recovering himself Dexter was about to dash at his assailant when he stopped short, for an idea that seemed incontrovertible struck him so sharply that it drove away all thought of the brutal blow he had received. "I know, Bob," he cried. "Know? What d'yer know?" "Where the boat is." "Yer do?" "Yes: that man followed us and took it away."

Poor Pet's resistance only increased the fury of Broady, and the family at Pawkin Centre seemed in imminent danger of being supported by the town, when suddenly a pair of enormous stubby hands seized Broady by the throat, and a harsh voice, which Pet joyfully recognized as Grump's, exclaimed: "Let him go, or I'll tear yer into mince-meat, curse yer!"

After about a moment she spoke in a strained and totally altered voice: "Let me be for to-night, Hester. I've sold my papers, and I'm going home." "No, you're not, honey; you're coming along o' me. Don't I see as yer white with the grief, and half distraught like. There, I'm alone tonight, unless Will should drop in; come and have a cup o' tea with me, Bet." "My mother's dead, Hester," said Bet.

"The moon'll be shinin' all night, Boy," were his last words. "Yer can cross the river before eight o'clock. Ef ye git lost on t'other side ax yer way frum the fust house ye come to " The Boy nodded, and when had fixed his bare toes in the stirrups he leaned low and whispered: "You won't give up, Pa, will ye? You'll fight for her till I get back?"

"Listen, dear, ye've put yer han' t' th' plow; ye must niver, niver take it away. All through life ye'll haave thim plow handles in yer han's an' ye'll be goin' down th' furrow. Ye'll crack a stone here and there, th' plow'll stick often an' things'll be out of gear, but yer in th' furrow all the time.

To us it sounded deliciously funny to hear this self-styled African call us "Leddies," and say "Halways" and say "'Aven't yer, now?" They sang in a very indifferent manner, but were rather quick in their retorts.

Well, it wa'n't her, that's a cinch; she was down yere to breakfast, a laughin' an' gigglin' with them two men 'bout an hour ago. They seemed ter feel mighty good over something but I couldn't quite make out just what the joke was. Say, did yer ever hear tell of a Mexican named Mendez?" "Well, rather; he's a cattle thief, or worse. Arizona has a big reward out for him, dead or alive."

You think he got that drinkin' well-water! Bet yer he 's got a bottle in 's pocket right now." A titter ran through the crowd, but was suddenly stopped. A quiet voice was heard from the other end of the court-room, and a deathly silence fell on the assemblage. "Suspend for a moment, gentlemen, if you please. Mr. Sheriff, bring that person to the bar of the Court."

I've bought you a little jacket to put on o' nights if it's cold or wet. An' when you want a lift why, here's your carriage, and you can sit up 'ere and ride like the Lord Mayor, and I'll be yer horse; the bundles'll set on yer knee like a fat babby. Tell yer what, mate looks to me as if I'd took a fancy to you."

More than once had he and Owd Bob essayed to wipe out mutual memories, Red Wull, in this case only, the aggressor. As yet, however, while they fenced a moment for that deadly throat-grip, the value of which each knew so well, James Moore had always seized the chance to intervene. "That's right, hide him ahint yer petticoats," sneered M'Adam on one of these occasions. "Hide?