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The girl was always alone, her lover gone away from her across the sea or into the wilds. Oh long on the mountain he tarries, he tarries: Why tarries the youth with the bright yellow hair: Oh long on the mountain he tarries, he tarries: Why seeks he the hill when his flock is not there?

Again she heard Baptiste speak. He seemed to be in sole command. "We'll give yer a chance fur yer life " Again the fiendish laugh underlaid the words. "It's a chance of a dog a yellow dog," he pursued. Jacky shuddered. "But such a chance is too good fur yer likes. Look look, those hills. See the three tall peaks yes, those three, taller than the rest.

Her face flushed as she stood glaring her scorn. "The yellow streak took a long time in showin', but it's in you, all right, Pierre le Rouge." "You've hated me ever since the dance, Jack. Why?" "Because I knew you were yellow like this!"

What it held will, perhaps, never be known, until they are dead and gone, and some curious eye lights on an old yellow letter with the fossil footprints of the extinct passion trodden thick all over it. There is not a boarder at our table, I firmly believe, excepting the young girl, who has not a story of the heart to tell, if one could only get the secret drawer open.

Into one of the filthy dens Barbara Harding was dragged. She found a single room in which several native and half-caste women were sleeping, about them stretched and curled and perched a motley throng of dirty yellow children, dogs, pigs, and chickens. It was the palace of Daimio Oda Yorimoto, Lord of Yoka, as his ancestors had christened their new island home.

Tearing across the ground, headed directly for her, was a fierce animal with flashing red nostrils, huge mouth open wide and showing two great rows of strong yellow teeth bared to the gums. Sparks seemed to fly from the hoofs and a coarse black tail streamed in the wind. "Good gracious!" gasped Betty weakly. "That must be the colt's mother!"

The rain came faster than ever against the windows, and the room would have been dark if it had not been for my fire, which threw out a magnificent yellow light over the old brown wood-work.

Marble Tint, spread over the travertine in places with a transparent glaze. Verde-Antique, really one of the many shades of green a combination of the copper-green and a soft gray, and therefore not to be counted as one of the nine cardinal colors. It simulates corroded copper, and has faint yellow and black lines.

Even in winter he was often to be seen clad in yellow-gray tweeds, a yellow silk necktie, and a fawn-colored Homburg hat. And no human being had ever encountered him in a pair of boots unprotected by spats.

The lawyer chatted kindly and intelligently; he gave Daddy Darwin wine and biscuit, and talked of the long standing of the Darwin family and its vicissitudes; he even took down some fat yellow books, and showed the old man how many curious laws had been made from time to time for the special protection of pigeons in Dovecots, very ancient statutes making the killing of a house-dove felony.