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"Youth longeth for a kindred spirit, and yearneth for a heart that can commune with his own. He meditateth night and day, doting on the image of his fancy." It is the tendency of an early love to inspire youth with grand aspirations and lofty aims. "They that love early, shall become like-minded, and the tempter shall touch them not.

Thou art my superior, worthy of the highest reverence! Here am I, having come back, eagerly wishing to behold thee! This, O king, is scarcely the result of deliberation! O Bharata, thy sons are as dear to me as the sons of Pandu, but as the latter are now in distress, my heart yearneth after them!"

The bells, verily, peal out My Name, and lament over Me, but My spirit rejoiceth with evident gladness. The body of the Loved One yearneth for the cross, and His head is eager for the spear, in the path of the All-Merciful.

Late and early it lay on her heart, how that, through no fault of hers, she had been forced to wed a heathen. Hagen and Gunther had done this wrong to her. Never a day passed but she longed to be revenged. She thought, "Now I am so rich and powerful that I could do mine enemies a mischief. Were it Hagen of Trony, I were nothing loth. My heart still yearneth for my beloved.

My pen is powerless to describe what their hands have wrought against Him Who is the Manifestation of Thy Cause, and the Day-Spring of Thy Revelation, and the Dawning-Place of Thine inspiration. For all this I give praise to Thee. I swear by Thy glory, O my God! My heart yearneth after the things ordained by Thee in the heaven of Thy decree and the kingdom of Thine appointment.

"Few?" quoth Sir Fidelis, speaking with head low-stooped. "Few, messire? Not so. Ten thousand lances might follow thee to-morrow an thou but spake the word " "Nay," sighed Beltane, "mock me not, good Fidelis, thou dost know me a lonely man and friendless to whom should I speak?" "To one that loveth thee now as ever, to one that yearneth for thee with heart nigh to breaking to Helen "

Of the like of this place saith the enamoured poet, "When its birds in the lake make melody, * The lorn lover yearneth its sight to see: 'Tis as Eden breathing a fragrant breeze, * With its shade and fruits and rills flowing free."

Behold, the station to which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is now calling His loved ones from the Realm of Glory:— “It behooveth the loved ones of God to be enamored of one another and to sacrifice themselves for their fellow-workers in the Cause. They should yearn towards one another even as the sore athirst yearneth for the Water of Life, and the lover burneth to meet his heart’s desire.”

I advance with My face set towards Him Who is the Almighty, the All-Bounteous, whilst behind Me glideth the serpent. Mine eyes have rained down tears until My bed is drenched. 266 I sorrow not for Myself, however. By God! Mine head yearneth for the spear out of love for its Lord.

"Is there aught new that touches the public weal?" "Blessed is the people over whom there is so fatherly a care! Can there be good or evil to the citizen of the Republic, noble Signore, without the bowels of the senate moving, as the parent yearneth over his young?