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"Few?" quoth Sir Fidelis, speaking with head low-stooped. "Few, messire? Not so. Ten thousand lances might follow thee to-morrow an thou but spake the word " "Nay," sighed Beltane, "mock me not, good Fidelis, thou dost know me a lonely man and friendless to whom should I speak?" "To one that loveth thee now as ever, to one that yearneth for thee with heart nigh to breaking to Helen "

Then spake the Reeve in troubled tones, his white head low-stooped above the battlement. "Good Prior, I pray you an we unbar, what surety have we that this our city shall not be given over to fire and pillage and ravishment?" Quoth the Prior: "Your lives are your lord's, in his hand resteth life and death, justice and mercy. So for the last time I charge ye set wide your rebellious gates!"

Fast and faster they galloped, their riders low-stooped above the high-peaked saddles, shields addressed and lances steady, with pounding hooves that sent the turves a-flying, with gleaming helms and deadly lance-points a-twinkle; fast and ever faster they thundered down upon each other, till, with a sudden direful crash, they met in full career with a splintering of well-aimed lances, a lashing of wild hooves, a rearing of powerful horses, staggering and reeling beneath the shock.

Now, lifting his head, Beltane beheld a man, bent and ragged who crept towards them on a stick; his face, low-stooped, was hid 'neath long and matted hair, but his tatters plainly showed the hideous nakedness of limbs pinched and shrunken by famine, while about his neck was a heavy iron collar such as all serfs must needs wear.