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"By the beard of the Prophet, it takes a long time to get a husband for this princess of yours, Menouni," observed the pacha with a yawn. "Your sublime highness will not be surprised at it, when you consider the conditions of the old king's will."

Another a longer yawn. Then the head lay very still and Truedale saw that she was asleep. Reverently he kissed her. Then he bore her to the little bed behind the white screen, with its tall angels with brooding eyes. As he laid her down she looked up dreamily: "I'm a pretty big girl to be carried," she whispered, "but my daddy is strong and and great!"

I have heard this opera before, and it will be so tiresome. I get so sleepy while they are singing, for I never care to watch the acting. I did at first, when it was new, but now it seems insipid to see them make-believe, while the theatre is worse yet," and she gave a weary yawn.

"The usual thing is to keep a girl slaving her head off all through the road-tour and then fire her before the New York opening." "But it's a shame! It isn't fair!" "If one is expecting to be treated fairly," said the Duchess with a prolonged yawn, "one should not go into the show-business." And, having uttered this profoundly true maxim, she fell asleep again.

He struck me as not only being physically dyspeptic, but as morally loathing his attendants and surroundings. My entrance did not disturb the waiter, with whom I had no financial relations; he simply concealed an exaggerated yawn professionally behind his napkin until my own servitor should appear.

"It is so very odd that no native will stop here at night except that half-wild Ivana." "Oh! I don't know," replied Thomas with a yawn, real or feigned. "These people get all sorts of ideas into their silly heads. Do stop twisting about and go to sleep."

At least Big Pete and the Wild Hunter talked as they smoked two of those mysterious long cigars, but I was still silent because of the many strange thoughts that were romping through my mind. Soon darkness settled down and Big Pete began to yawn.

He will perch upon one of your eye-lashes, and go to roost there, if you do not disturb him, or force his way through your hair, or along the cavity of the nostril, till you almost fancy he is resolved to explore the very brain itself. On one occasion I was so inconsiderate as to yawn while a number of them were hovering around me. I never repeated the act.

Every red man has his face turned toward the foe with a look of defiance, and the tones of the death-chant have in them something of mockery no less than hate and vaunting. The raft is now between the jaws of rock that yawn so hungrily.

As he stretched himself he laid back his head, shut his eyes, and yawned, by which act he displayed a tremendous collection of canines and grinders, with a pink throat of great capacity. The yawn ended in a gasp, and then he raised his head and looked quietly about him, gently patting the ground with his tail, as a man might pat his bedclothes while considering what to do next.