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One or two remembered the widow Wilkes and her daughter, and could affirm that they had been friends of McGair and had moved away after his illness. Whither they had gone no one knew. When there was nothing more to be seen or heard at Yarm, Skelton went home.

Ye've found out this tale o' my life; there's none else as knows it, save mother lying dead, an' Johnnie I telled fur love's sake, an' him as lies palsied i' Yarm God A'mighty only knows, sir, what Dan'el McGair could tell on't but this I ask, sir, that ye'll keep all ye knows an' say nowt.

As I schalle devyse zou, suche as thei ben, and the names how thei clepen hem; to suche entent, that zee mowe knowe the difference of hem and of othere. Athoimis, Bunchi, Chinok, Durain, Eni, Fin, Gomor, Heket, Janny, Karacta, Luzanim, Miche, Naryn, Oldache, Piloh, Quyn, Yron, Sichen, Thola, Urmron, Yph and Yarm, Thoit.

Now Bishop Skirlaw's bridges did not usually disappear; those of Yarm, Shincliffe, and Auckland have stood until to-day, with occasional repairs. Are we then reluctantly to question the truth of "Jock o' the Side"? Surely, if the choice remain of the accuracy of the ballad or the fact of the bridge, it is the duty of all leal North-country people to swear by the ballad.

So I'll ask ye to keep what ye knows o' this tale an' not speak on't, an' go no more to Yarm; an' if ye'll give me yer hand on that, sir, I'll thank ye kindly. So he gave her his hand on it, and went away. The earth was white, the firmament was white, the plumage of the wind was white. The wind flew between curling drift and falling cloud, brushing all comers with its feathers of light dry snow.

Her voice trembled as if with some physical pain; he only answered by a sound of incredulous surprise. 'I'll tell ye the whole on't, Johnnie. Ye sees, we lived i' Yarm mother and me. Mother, she sewed books fur a book-binding man; an' we'd a little coming in as father'd saved.

They went towards the village, and in the mud their footfalls were almost silent. The listener came out of his hiding and went back on the road by which he had come. Next morning Skelton travelled northward to Yarm. After some difficulty he succeeded in discovering the paralytic whom he sought.

Then he confessed, humbly enough, just how he did know it, and all that he knew, and told her about his visit to Yarm. When he spoke of Yarm and his visit to Daniel McGair she turned and looked full at him, drinking in every word with hungry curiosity. 'Yes, sir, we left the place, an' I haven't heard o' him this nine year, but I knowed he wasn't dead. 'How did you know that, Jen?

"'Thic 'ere geranum's broke, Willum; but ef yu tuke it vor cuttings, zo vast's iver yu cude, 'twon't take no yarm, Willum. Yu zee as how us du take a turble interest. Ah! 'tis arl I can du tu putt oop wi' 'un; carling a man from's tea, tu tark zuch vamous vule's tark." Lady Mary was not much less weary than the gardener and coachman of the old sisters' habits of criticism.