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"Well, ain't you on our side?" "No," said Rousseau; "I am General Rousseau, and all these men you see are Yanks." "Great God! is it possible! Are these Yanks! Who ever supposed they would come away down here in Alabama?" Of course, Rousseau took his ten mules. Schofield effected his crossing at Soap's Creek very handsomely on the 9th, capturing the small guard that was watching the crossing.

Shoot me if you want to, but let me down from here!" The only effect of this upon Barrett was to light up his brutal face with a leer of fiendish satisfaction. He said to the guards with a gleeful wink: "By God, I'll learn these Yanks to be more afeard of me than of the old devil himself. They'll soon understand that I'm not the man to fool with. I'm old pizen, I am, when I git started.

As soon as the negro perceived that his master had opened his eyes he gave a cry of delight. "Thank de Lord, Marse Vincent! Dis child tought you dead and gone for sure." "What's the matter, Dan? What has happened?" Vincent said, trying to move, and then stopping suddenly with a cry of pain. "You knocked off your horse, sah, wid one of de shells of dem cussed Yanks." "Am I badly hurt, Dan?"

When it came to provin' that it was us Yanks who really cleaned up the Huns and finished the war, Hartley was right there. That was his strong suit.

As he's prancin' along at the head of his men where a great commander belongs, he's shore scandalised by hearin' his r'ar gyard firin' on the Yanks. So he rides back, my old pap does, an' he says: "Yere you-all eediots! Whatever do you mean by shootin' at them Yankees? Don't you know it only makes 'em madder?" An' that, concloods Dan, 'is how I feels about spectres.

"There are plenty of Yanks who do; the last messenger was shot by your raiders, and the whole consignment lost. He was my cousin; that is why I am trying what I can do the boys need it so badly. If you are an honorable soldier you will not interfere with a work of mercy." "An honorable soldier!" I exclaimed, stung by the words. "Do you question that?"

We halted him and told him that we were Rebs, who had taken a French leave of Thomasville; that we were tired of guarding Yanks, and were going home; and further, that we were hungry, and wanted something to eat. He told us that he was the boss on the plantation. His master lived in Thomasville.

I uses a short line an' a pole which is stiff an' strong. When I gets a bite, I yanks him out an' lets him know his fate right thar." ""But eels ain't no game fish," I says. "Bass is game, but not eels." ""Eels ain't game none, ain't they?" says this yere Davis, lettin' on he's a heap interested. "You-all listen to me; let me tell you of a eel I snags onto down by Culpepper.

For a moment the man leaned limply against a chair-back, hiding his eyes with one trembling hand; then he spoke in shamed apology: "I I couldn't help it, darling; because, you see, I hadn't any powder left; and I was coming through the woods just as I told you when the Yanks got sight of me." He smiled down at her bravely, striving to add a dash of comedy to his tragic plight.

"I've just thought of something," said the boy to himself, as he turned into the gate. "This villain is going to play off friendly, and I can't watch him any too closely. When the Yanks get to scouting through here, he will be the best Union man in the world; and who knows but he will send them to our house after Jack's rebel flag? That flag must come down the minute I get home."