United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

What thing of sea Comes this way sailing, Like a stately ship With all her bravery on, and tackle trim? The privateer was called the True-blooded Yankee.

Up to the point when the house was finished and furnished, it was to be a secret between Jacques and his violin; and they found no difficulty in keeping it. Bytown was a Yankee village. Jacques was, after all, nothing but a Frenchman. The native tone of religion, what there was of it, was strongly Methodist. Jacques never went to church, and if he was anything, was probably a Roman Catholic.

How many different kinds of birds do you think there are in 'our America, my little Yankee?" "More than a hundred, I guess," said Dodo after a long pause. "Nearly a thousand, my lady!" "A thousand! I think we couldn't remember so many. Does Olive know about 'nearly a thousand'?" "No, nor about a quarter of them, Dodo.

Every dog must have his day and I'm a wise old dog. I'll teach that Matt boy some respect for his owners before I'm through with him!" When Matt Peasley's Yankee combativeness, coupled with the accident of birth in the old home town of Cappy Ricks, gained for him command of the Blue Star Navigation Company's big barkentine, Retriever, he lacked eight days of his twenty-first birthday.

Shortly after the return of the last boat, smoke was sighted to seaward. The crew was called to general quarters without delay, and our ship steamed out to investigate. After a brief but exciting chase, we discovered that the supposed enemy was the auxiliary cruiser "Dixie," a sister ship of the "Yankee."

But Mr. Truck had been too often to London not to understand exactly the manner in which Englishmen appreciate American character; and, among other things, he knew it was the general opinion in the island that money could do any thing with Jonathan; or, as Christophe is said once to have sententiously expressed the same sentiment, "if there were a bag of coffee in h , a Yankee could be found to go and bring it out."

Behind the safe protection of the low-growing cedars the three men walked slowly toward the cabin of the "Little Yankee," seemingly utterly oblivious to any danger lurking behind. As they thus advanced Winston related briefly his discoveries in the lower levels of the "Independence," referring to his personal adventures merely as the needs of the simple narrative required.

He watched her fling herself impetuously on the knapsack. "If you find any Yankee spoons put them under arrest. They haven't any pass like yours." Then he turned to Cary: "Have any trouble on the road as you came along?" The other man shook his head. "None to speak of. We were stopped several times of course, but each time your pass let us through without delay until we met Dudley.

Then I resume diplomatic relations with the S.A. & A.P., and we hike in a northwesterly direction on our circuitous route to the spice gardens of the Yankee Orient.

"Anyhow, I'm going to call you Yankee, to keep you nicely disguised. This is the land of disguises." "Then we did not come out to see the view?" the other drawled. There was a quickening of the eye, a drooping of the lid, which betrayed a sudden interest, a sense of adventure. Dicky laid his head back and laughed noiselessly.