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This so liberally covered their faces as to conceal the skin beneath a dead mat white. Yank and I were kept out of it, or thought we were, by our ignorance of the language. This did not seem to hinder Johnny in the least. In five minutes he was oblivious to everything but his attempts to make himself agreeable by signs and laughing gestures, and to his trials with help at the unknown language.

On the outside of this Stockade was a platform, built for the guards to walk on, sufficiently clear the top to allow them to look inside with ease, and on this side, on the platform, were three guards. I had traveled about fifty feet only, from the gate office, when I heard the command to "Halt!" I did so, of course. "Where are you going, you d -d Yank?" said the guard.

Dat woman warn't satisfied even wid dat, but she worked up de overseer ag'in' me, she 'uz dat jealous en hateful; so de overseer he had me out befo' day in de mawnin's en worked me de whole long day as long as dey'uz any light to see by; en many's de lashin's I got 'ca'se I couldn't come up to de work o' de stronges'. Dat overseer wuz a Yank too, outen New Englan', en anybody down South kin tell you what dat mean.

Many a Yank has itched to get his hands on the Russian Archangelite soldier, especially some of our hard old sergeants who wanted to put them on police and scavenger details to see them work.

An' he jes cogitate', "Dey ain't no ghosts," an' wish' he goose-pimples don't rise up dat way. An' he jes 'low', "Dey ain't no ghosts," an' wish' he backbone ain't all trembulous wid chills dat way. So he rotch' down, an' he rotch' down, twell he git' a good hold on dat pricklesome stem of dat bestest pumpkin whut in de patch, an' he jes yank' dat stem wid all he might.

But when she turned back to see what damages her adored fish had suffered, she beheld Halstead, perched over the jar, also fishing in it. "My senses! You here, too!" she cried. "Can't a boy see a fish without wanting to catch it?" When she hurried back in a flurry of anxiety after chasing him to the carriage house, she found me there, too, pretending to yank one out.

Yank and I, having in times past been more or less accustomed to this sort of thing, got off much easier than did poor Johnny. About two feet down we came to a mixed coarse sand and stones, a little finer than the top dirt. This seemed to us promising, so we resumed our washing operations. They bore the same results as had the first; which was just the whole of nothing.

When he snapped at the wire and flung the weight of his body to the ground, the sapling would bend obligingly, and then in its rebound would yank him for an instant completely off the earth. Furiously he struggled. It was a miracle that the fine wire held him. In a few moments more it must have broken but McTaggart had heard him!

If I let yo' up, will yo' swar to quite down peaceable as a lamb, an' make the rest do the same?" "Never," asserted Hackberry. "I'm ergwine to have it out with that Yank." "No you haint," she replied with a still more emphatic jounce that made Hackberry use all the breath left him to groan. "I'll quit," he said, with his next instalment of atmosphere.

Here's where I don't pull a morsel. Jist let him rin and swally, and whin me line is well out and he has me bait all digistid, 'yank, I give him the round-up, and THIN, the fun begins. He leps clear of the water and I see he's tin pound. If he rins from me, I give him rope, and if he rins to, I dig in, workin' me little machane for dear life to take up the thrid before it slacks.