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That old Roman had written something of battles, but they were no such struggles as Chancellorsville and Gettysburg had been. The legions, he admitted in his youthful pride, could fight well, but they never could have beaten Yank or Reb. He and Dalton slept through the afternoon and directly after dark, well equipped and well-armed, they made their start into the South.

Sit down here on the edge of this veranda, and let's talk things over. How much money have you got, Yank?" "Two hundred and twenty dollars," replied Yank promptly. "You're partners with me, Frank, so I know our assets," said Talbot with tact. "Johnny?" "Hanged if I know," replied that youth. "I've got quite a lot. I keep it in my pack." "Well, go find out," advised Talbot.

And there's lots of bandits and scoundrels glad to take a chance at us. And while we come out all right before, they'll git us in the long run if we keep at it. I'd like to git rid of the stuff." Don Gaspar agreed with him, as did also Yank, Buck Barry, and Missouri Jones.

Next came the noble army of stragglers and bummers with the question, 'Hello, Yank, have you got any Yankee notions about you? and at the same time thrusting their hands into every pocket. They captured a little money and small traps, but seeing one boot was spoiled they did not meddle with the other. Next came wagons, picking up muskets and accoutrements which lay thick all over the ground.

How is it my brains gallop when other brains creep? It's that mysterious force in me. Seein' is believin'. Proof is better than talkin'. Cap'n Sproul, you just take hold of one of my whiskers and yank it out. Take any one, so long's it's a good lengthy one." His tone was that of a sleight-of-hand man offering a pack of cards for a draw. The Cap'n obeyed after Mr.

He stolidly told his story, concluding, "I cud a sworn it was you, and the overseer followed less'n three minutes after you left." "'I left' curse you don't say that again. You've been fooled or was asleep and neglected your duty." "Well, then, sir," was the dogged reply, "find that overseer who was a watchin' the Yank like a cat.

Back of the town was a low, rank jungle of green, and a stagnant lake. The latter had a delicate border of greasy blue mud. Johnny and I wandered about completely fascinated. Talbot and Yank did not seem so impressed. Finally Talbot called a halt. "This is all very well; if you kids like to look at yellow fever, blackjack, and corruption, all right," said he.

I'm a good enough Yank to see if your dinky police is such an all-fired cute little bunch of wonder-workers as you say! Bub you think you're going to get Mr. Greenfield don't you?" "I'm not thinking, Bucky " "Eh?" "I'm simply sticking to you." "Sticking to me!" cried Greenfield with a roar of disgust. "Why, you unimaginative, lumbering, beef-eating Canuck, you can't get me that way!

"Doc Millikin thinks awhile, and then he offers me this oath of allegiance to take without any kind of a chaser: "'I, Barnard O'Keefe, Yank, being of sound body but a Republican mind, hereby swear to transfer my fealty, respect, and allegiance to the Confederate States of America, and the government thereof in consideration of said government, through its official acts and powers, obtaining my freedom and release from confinement and sentence of death brought about by the exuberance of my Irish proclivities and my general pizenness as a Yank.

After informing Yank of my projected absence, I waited at the appointed place until the appointed time, then returned to the Bella Union. "That's all right," Danny greeted my report; "they came across the Hog's Back, and are now safely in hiding. Here," he gave me a slip of paper. "During the day contrive to see these men. Make it casual and easy, as though you just happened to see them.