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In the morning at six o'clock, three more regiments, the Fifth New York, the First Virginia, and the Eighteenth Pennsylvania, joined, and the force, thus augmented to about two thousand men, pushed on towards Warrenton, Sir Percy Wyndham in command. This officer was an Englishman, an alleged lord. But lord or son of a lord, his capacity as a cavalry officer was not great.

But it is not a bad place, I should think, when you know lots of people, and that was such a pretty drive we went yesterday." "Yes, it must seem very new to you. Everything must, I should think, most of all this casual way we have of receiving people. But there really is a Mrs. Wyndham, with whom I am staying, and she will be in before long."

A glance sufficed to show that at any rate the worst had not happened, but Wyndham's face was such a mixture of relief and woe that the captain felt some misgivings as he inquired eagerly what was the news. "He was frightfully kind," said Wyndham, "and talked to me like a father. I never felt so ashamed of myself.

You will not, my dear Frank, I am sure, be such a fool as to allow your dislike to such an empty butter-firkin as this earl, to stand in the way of your love or your fortune. You can't expect Miss Wyndham to go to you, so pocket your resentment like a sensible fellow, and accept Lord Cashel's invitation as though there had been no difference between you.

"You will see her to-night, I think; she said she was going to that party." "I hate to leave you alone," said Mrs. Wyndham. "I really think I had better not go." "Dear Mrs. Wyndham," said Sybil, rising, and laying her hands on her hostess's shoulders, half affectionately, half in protest, "this idea must be stopped from the first, and I mean to stop it.

He had been an officer under Charles I., in the civil wars preceding that monarch's captivity and death, and Charles, who, as Prince of Wales, had made a campaign as will be recollected, in the west of England before he went to France, had had frequent intercourse with Wyndham, and bad great confidence in his fidelity.

Wyndham, who has settled at Sooloo, has already sent a vessel to trade on the south-east side of the island, near Gonong Tabor. So much for the southern portion of this immense archipelago. We have still to examine the more northern.

There was a mystery about their recent quarrel; but as Gilks had been down in the mouth ever since, while Silk showed no signs of dejection, it was safe to assume the former had come off second best. Wyndham therefore selected Gilks for his first attempt as being on the whole the less formidable of the two.

He had only received the evening before the melancholy notification of the fact that young Wyndham, owing to circumstances over which he had no control, would be unable to play in the second-eleven match next week; and he had it on his mind consequently to find a successor without delay.

Poor Wyndham did not look or feel very hopeful certainly as he thought over the situation. "Thanks for telling me about it, anyhow," said he. "I say, shall you be there to hear what they say?" "I don't know. I don't think so. But if you are sent for let me know, and I'll go with you."