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A powerful gust struck the cabin, by way of answer; a great roaring surged up from the gulf of Defeat, from Desolation, and from the other forks of Bone Valley clamor of ten thousand trees struggling with the blast. "Hit's gittin' wusser." "Any danger of this roost being blown off the mountain?" I inquired.

"Them kind of fellers is always turnin' up when they isn't wanted," replied Springer. "He's come back to his ole hole at that there ranche, bringin' a good many of his ole men with him, an' some new ones that would be wusser than he is, only that ain't possible. Amongst them all, they have laid a plan to visit you next full moon."

"De niggers wuz all monst'us sorry w'en de match wuz bust' up, fer now Mars Jeems got wusser 'n he wuz befo' he sta'ted sweethea'tin'. De time he useter spen' co'tin' Miss Libbie he put in findin' fault wid de niggers, en all his bad feelin's 'ca'se Miss Libbie th'owed 'im ober he 'peared ter try ter wuk off on de po' niggers.

Your mind is in a wusser beclouded state than the poor nergoes' we are seeking to aid. You are a groper in the dark cellar of sin. O sinful man! 'There is a sparkling fount Come, O come, and drink. No! you will not come and drink." "Yes, he will," said the landlord, "if you'll treat. Jest try him."

"I reasoned with John an' he blackguarded me, too, an' ferbid me ter darken his door.... Deespite thet command I feared fer her life an' I fared over thar ... I went in at ther door an' he war a-maltreatin' her an' chokin' her. I railed out ... an' he hurt her wusser ... hit war his life or her'n. Ef hit war all ter do over ergin I wouldn't act no different."

An' I reckon I kin guess what he'll do over there in the Siwash. He'll rope cougars sure he will an' watch 'em jump. Jones would rope the devil, an' tie him down if the lasso didn't burn. Oh! he's hell on ropin' things. An' he's wusser 'n hell on men, an' hosses, an' dogs." All that my well-meaning friend suggested made me, of course, only the more eager to go with Jones.

I felt myself laid down while something was done close to me, and then I was lifted once more and carried out into the warm sunshine, and laid upon the hot boards of the deck. "Poor laddie," growled Bob Hampton, "he's got it badly. Rum world this here, Neb!" "Orful," said Dumlow. "Reg'lar wusser," said another voice, which I knew to be Blane's.

"No," replied Prudy, stopping a moment to think; "she said he was wusser a great deal wusser, darling. And then she talked about Horace's boots, and that's all." "The darling little baby! He used to love me before he got so sick; and all the way coming East I held him ever so much, you know, Horace."

"'Dat look cool, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee, 'en cool I speck she is. I'll des 'bout git in dar en take a nap, en wid dat in he jump, he did, en he ain't no sooner fix hisse'f dan de bucket 'gun ter go down." "Wasn't the Rabbit scared, Uncle Remus?" asked the little boy. "Honey, dey ain't been no wusser skeer'd beas' sence de worl' begin dan dish yer same Brer Rabbit. He fa'rly had a agur.

"'Long ez we had dat noo nigger heah, Solomon went on, 'he kep' Mars Johnson busy pa't er de time; but now he 's gone erway, I s'pose de res' un us'll ketch it wusser 'n eber. "'W'at's gone wid de noo nigger? sez Aun' Peggy, rale quick, battin' her eyes en straight'nin' up.