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Have I not woven, too, an olive branch and a rosebud into thy life, as into the wreath which I was allowed to present to thee? I have thee in my heart, my beloved; fear not to leave me. I will die oh! so happy, so ineffably happy through thee!" Thou canst imagine how the words must cut through my heart.

Formerly, he learned, looms of Swiss and German manufacture had been employed in America; but these had speedily given place to the American high-power automatic loom, especially for the making of ribbons which were woven the same way as were broad goods, except that the shuttle was not a flying but a fixed one, that moved from side to side like a sewing-machine.

And nothing can so glorify the classics as to bring them into the field and into the shop and let them become woven into the tasks that might else seem monotonous or menial. In a recent editorial in the New York Times it was said that the men and the times of Aristophanes were much more modern than the administration of Rutherford B. Hayes.

Soon the music, the light, the play of colours, the shining arms and shoulders about him, the touch of hands, the transient interest of smiling faces, the frothing sound of skillfully modulated voices, the atmosphere of compliment, interest and respect, had woven together into a fabric of indisputable pleasure. Graham for a time forgot his spacious resolutions.

The whole landscape was transformed, and the shadowy cluster of men and women on the shore paused in their toil, and turned their pale faces towards the rippling splendor, the heavy fishing-nets drooping from their hands like dark webs woven by giant spiders. "'Tis the first time we have seen the Arch of Death this year," said one in awed accents. "Ay, ay!" returned another, with a sigh.

For a larger rug the length must be increased two feet, and the border, which in this case must be of plain or mixed black that is, it must not be alternated with stripes of gray must measure one foot at either end. When this is complete, two narrow strips one foot in width, woven with mixed black filling, must be sewed on either side, making a rug eight feet long and five in width.

Those old Vikings did, 'and each time the high seat was dight more splendidly, and the hangings of the closed beds woven more fair. They never knew when they were beaten, those grand old fellows, and so it came about that they never were. By the way, I have something here that concerns you." "Concerns me?" "I think I may say, nearly concerns you.

Cotton, picked by slaves, was cleared of the seed and spun into thread and woven into cloth by them. It was common to know how to spin and weave. Some of the cloth was dyed afterwards with dye made from indigo and polk berries. Some was used in its natural color.

In excavations made at East Machias, an Indian was found with a copper head-band and the remnant of a woven tiara. These relics are now in the hands of Dr. Shehan, of Edmunds, Maine. Copper head-bands have repeatedly been found on the skulls of Mound Indians.

The end of this corridor also was masked by a curtain of wool, dyed and woven by the hands of nomad tribes, tent-dwellers in the desert; and when Hsina had lifted it, Victoria saw a small square court with a fountain in the centre.