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"I shall have to tell a lee about you, and for that God may wither the tongue of me. I shall say that a rattler buzzed beneath your nose though perhaps I should say it was behind ye, Rab, else they will wonder that ye didna run away home. If ye could but lift an ear and roll the eye of you, wild-like, perhaps they will believe me. But I dinna ken I wouldna believe it mesel!"

"Yo' know th' secret as she carried," she said, "or I wouldna tell yo' even now; an' now I tell it yo' that she may carry the secret to her grave, an' ha' no gossiping tongue to threep at her. I dunnot want foak starin' an' wonderin' an' makkin' talk. She's borne enow." "It shall be as you wish, whether you tell me the story or not," said Langley. "We will keep it as sacred as you have done."

It was, however, possible that the strangers were police, and he lay in the heath with knitted brows until Pete touched him. "They wouldna' find us easy if we keepit still, but I'm no' for spending the night among the bents," he said. "I'm thinking we'll try the big flow and lose them in the mire."

Seth, meanwhile, went out to chop wood, for he surmised that Dinah would like to be left alone with his mother. Lisbeth sat watching her as she moved about in her still quick way, and said at last, "Ye've got a notion o' cleanin' up. I wouldna mind ha'in ye for a daughter, for ye wouldna spend the lad's wage i' fine clothes an' waste. Ye're not like the lasses o' this countryside.

"Live in it." "Trafalgar-road's good enough for me." "But it isn't good enough for me," said she. "I wouldna' ha' minded," he said, savagely "I wouldna' ha' minded going into a house a bit bigger, but " "Nothing is big enough for me except Wilbraham Hall," she said. He said nothing. He was furious.

"What is it? Summat's hurt yo' sore." The labor-roughened hands moved with their old nervous habit, and the answer came in an odd, jerky, half-connected way: "I dunnot know why it should ha' done. I mun be mad, or summat. I nivver had no hope nor nothin': theer nivver wur no reason why I should ha' had. Ay, I mun be wrong somehow, or it wouldna stick to me i' this road.

It's not a dull red," he said, with a faint return of his old interest in the curious physical; "it's a gleaming red. They lowe. A' last nicht they wouldna let me sleep. There was nae gas in my room, and when the candle went out I could see them everywhere.

"Ye saw a little laddie out of his depth and likely to be drowned." "Nor was that all. But the wicked speerit that's in ye, Peter McGuffie, made ye swim out where the river was running strongest and an able-bodied man wouldna care to go. And what for did ye forget yirsel and risk yer life?"

It's far prettier than yours, Effie. Wouldna you have liked it? Your old one would have done for me." "Oh, no, indeed! I would far rather have my own old Bible than the prettiest new one," said Effie, hastily. "Yes, I suppose so," said Christie. "Mother gave it to you." "Yes; and, besides, I have got used to it. I know just where to find the places I want, almost without thinking of the chapter."

'Oh, please sir! Hazel could say no more, for the tears that companionship unfroze. The man peered at her. 'What in hell are you doing here? he asked. 'Walking home-along. She wouldna let me bide the night over. And my foot's blistered in a balloon and blood on my dress. She choked with sobs. 'What's your name? 'Hazel. 'What else?