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Olivetta, an intimate, a relative, and a worshipful inferior, was one of the few persons with whom Mrs. De Peyster could bring herself to unbend and be confidential. "That is what I do not know. About a week ago Jack suddenly disappeared " "Disappeared!" "Oh, he left a note, telling me not to worry. But not a word has been heard from him since.

"And inasmuch as I erewhile pledged my word as a, man to the illustrious and worshipful Mistress Margery, in her sisterly care, that I would write to her if we at any time needed the favor of her counsel and help, I would ere now have craved for the Magister's aid if the all-merciful Virgin had not succored us in due season.

"Certes, sir," saith he, "So worshipful man seem you to be, that you will hold well to this that you have covenanted with me." "And to this do I pledge you my word," saith Messire Gawain, "that, so God allow me to conquer it, I will show it to you on my return."

Don't break the first promise you ever made me, Philip." She did not say it very reproachfully, for his look was ardent and worshipful, and she could not be even a little austere in her new joy. "I am going," he answered. "We will go back to the town, I by the road, you by the shore, so no one will see us, and " "Philip," said Guida suddenly, "is it quite the same being married without banns?"

But Catherine eyed her with such exceedingly worshipful love, admiration, and yet distress that even I pitied her.

"All things considered, if I did not so heartily hate a move, if I had energy enough to go back to Holland, I would try to do honour in loving and respectful terms to the worshipful Lidwina, who is of all the female saints one whose life I should best love to write; but merely to attempt to reconstruct the surroundings amid which she lived, I should have to settle in the town where she dwelt, Schiedam.

"'T is truth out of Holy Writ I speak, but I waste the precious word in such company 't is casting pearls before swine for there be none here who comprehend the things of the Spirit." "The spirit say you, padre?" interrupted the officer, evidently in rare good humor. "Bastinade! thou doest wrong to all this worshipful company by so grievous a slur.

"Thanks, most worshipful," returned Miss Vernon; "but, as matters stand, we must return instantly to Osbaldistone Hall, where they do not know what has become of us, and relieve my uncle of his anxiety on my cousin's account, which is just the same as if one of his own sons were concerned."

My child took this opportunity to tell her worshipful defensor what she had suffered from the impudence of this fellow, and to beg that some other constable might be set over her, seeing that this one had come to her last night again with evil designs, so that she at last had shrieked aloud and beaten him on the head with her chains; whereupon he had left her. This Dom.

Then a young man who had clung for guidance amid her spells to the little printed pamphlet that describes the church, read aloud from its pages, seriously: "'Nowhere else in this land may one find so ancient and worshipful a shrine.