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You have seen the comet moving with its immense train of light through the sky; this likewise has a system supplied with living beings and their existence derives its enjoyment from the diversity of circumstances to which they are exposed; passing as it were through the infinity of space they are continually gratified by the sight of new systems and worlds, and you can imagine the unbounded nature of the circle of their knowledge.

Even our passionate artizan-nature, so sensitive and voluble in general, in comparison with the cold reserve of the field-labourer and the gentleman, was hushed in silent awe between the thought of the past and the thought of the future. We felt ourselves trembling between two worlds.

No God is there beside Thee, Thou alone art my Beloved in this world and in the world which is to come. Thou alone art the Desire of all them that have recognized Thee. Praised be God, the Lord of the worlds.

The Greek Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the various Protestant Churches, Lutherans, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Methodists, Christian men and women out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, all unite to confess the glory of Christ in the words of the ancient Creed: "I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of very God."

The astronomer however proceeds from what we see of the globe of earth, to fashion other worlds of which we have no direct knowledge.

'You go right ahead, lad, He'd say, 'an' try t' work your cures. Don't you be afeared o' Me. I'll not mind. But, lad, He'd say, 'when I wants my way I just got t' have it. Don't you forget that. Don't you go thinkin' you can have your way afore I has Mine. You just trust Me t' do what's right. I know My business. I'm used t' running worlds.

But between waiting with certainty and expecting a positive pleasure, there is, to the souls of the elect and everybody will include a woman who adores her husband among the elect there is, between these two worlds of expectation, the difference that exists between a fine night and a fine day.

Perhaps she had to learn a yet higher lesson: that our one free home is the Heart, the eternal lovely Will of God, than that which should fail, it were better that we and all the worlds should go out in blackness. But this Will is our Salvation. Because He liveth we shall live also. Mr Cupples found in the missionar kirk a certain fervour which pleased him.

Let the honest, let Brahmanas, let those with regard for their superiors, let the gods, let the three worlds, listen! Having said these words that high-souled one, that ascetic of ascetics, then summoning the Danavas who had been deprived by fate of the good sense, told them these words, Ye foolish Danavas, know ye that Kacha hath obtained his wishes. He will henceforth dwell with me.

Thy fame, O son, shall become unrivalled in the three worlds. Having granted him these boons, Vasava disappeared there and then. Matanga also, casting off his life-breaths, attained to a high place. Thou mayst thus see, O Bharata, that the status of a Brahmana is very high. "'Yudhishthira said, "I have heard this great narrative, O perpetuator of Kuru's race.