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The individual I pointed out was somewhat above the middle size; his uniform of blue and gold, though singularly plain, had a look of richness about it; besides that, among the orders which covered his breast, he wore one star of great brilliancy and size.

He wore a shabby high hat and in his hand he had a small black bag. "I'm very sorry," I said. "I had my head down and I didn't see you coming." To my great surprise, instead of getting angry at being knocked down, the little man began to laugh. "You know this reminds me," he said, "of a time once when I was in India. I ran full tilt into a woman in a thunderstorm.

You must break your long fast." "First let me wash my hands and face," returned Ellis, who wished to gain time, as well as use all the means, to restore his countenance to a better expression than it wore, ere meeting Cara under the glare of strong lamp light. A basin was filled for him by his wife, and, after washing his hands and face, he left the chamber with her, and went to the dining-room.

She was wrapped in an old red cloak, with a large hood, and in her ears she wore a pair of long gold-dropped earrings, similar to what one sees among the Norman peasantry the gift, as I afterwards learned, of a drowned lover.

Then all the people were in the same fright, but now the panic was confined to the well-to-do families and those conscious of being considered friendly to the courts. The poorer people looked on their agitation with indifference, while some even jeered at it. The afternoon wore away, however, and the expected mob failed to make its appearance, whereupon the people gradually took heart again.

Next day the king went to the Assembly; he wore no decoration but the cross of Saint Louis, from deference to a recent decree suppressing the other orders of chivalry. He took his place beside the president, the Assembly all standing. "I come," said the king, "to consecrate solemnly here the acceptance I have given to the constitutional act.

When the enemy have burned and destroyed all our corn-mills, we will still have coffee-mills, and when those are gone we will do as the Kaffirs do, and grind our corn between two stones and crushed and roasted maize is very good to eat. The old Voortrekkers wore trousers made of untanned hide. We can do the same if khaki does not supply us with sufficient clothes.

Prince Alexis entered first, with a pompous, mincing gait, leading the Princess Martha by the tips of her fingers. He wore a caftan of green velvet laced with gold, a huge vest of crimson brocade, and breeches of yellow satin. A wig, resembling clouds boiling in the confluence of opposing winds, surged from his low, broad forehead, and flowed upon his shoulders.

She had lain down without undressing, it being her belief that Ralph would not outlast the night. She had no inclination to sleep; she was waiting, and such waiting was wakeful. But she closed her eyes; she believed that as the night wore on she should hear a knock at her door.

The mouth wore a less happy expression, perhaps, a rather bitter expression, but one which nevertheless retained the shape of the smile.