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A letter was written to Master Horner, purporting to come from Ellen Kingsbury, worded so artfully that the schoolmaster understood at once that it was intended to be a secret communication, though its ostensible object was an inquiry about some ordinary affair. This was laid in Mr.

Now within the first ten days one hundred and four messages, sent, I should add, to a hundred and four different addresses, were worded as follows " He waited a moment. "Are you following what I say, Mrs. Blake?" "Yes," she said quickly. "I think I understand. You are telling me about some telegrams a great many telegrams "

What it said was so worded as to convey everything vile by innuendo and inference, yet in truth saying nothing. "Oh, my darling!" continued Mrs. D'Alloi. "You have a right to kill me for letting him come here after he had confessed it to me. But I Oh, don't tremble so. Oh, Watts! We have killed her." Peter held the paper for a moment. Then he handed it to Watts.

"Miss Hazel Weir, I believe?" he interrogated. "Yes," she confirmed. "I'm on the Times, Miss Weir," Grinell went straight to the business in hand. "You are aware, I presume, that Mr. Andrew Bush willed you a sum of money under rather peculiar conditions that is, the bequest was worded in a peculiar way. Probably you have seen a reference to it in the papers. It has caused a great deal of interest.

'Of course it was, and the address was admirably worded, sir, I make bold to say it to your face; but most indubitably it threatened powerful drugs for weak stomachs, and it blew cold on votes, which are sensitive plants like nothing else in botany. 'If they are only to be got by abandoning principles, and by anything but honesty in stating them, they may go, said Beauchamp.

You are, I think, not so clear minded certainly, not so clear worded as is usual with you." "I will tell you, uncle;" and, instead of looking up into his face, she turned her eyes down on the green lawn beneath her feet. "Well, Minnie, what is it?" and he took both her hands in his. "I think that Miss Gresham should not marry Mr Moffat.

It's rather slow work, when you do housework, too," acknowledged Georgiana. "However, it does very well; it keeps us in firewood and oysters for the winter." She instantly regretted this speech, for it led, presently, as she might have known it would, to delicately worded expressions of hope that she would in the future give her friends the pleasure of purchasing her wares.

This mystery must end, and that very night. When the shadows fell and the evening meal was ready, she put away her work, smoothed her hair and took her seat beside the nurse, eating little and answering Martha's anxious, but carefully worded questions in monosyllables.

In acceptance of this graciously worded invitation, Leslie ran lightly up the poop ladder and, slightly raising his cap, said "Permit me to introduce myself, Captain Turnbull. My name is Leslie," with emphasis "and the recital of the chain of circumstances which ended in my being cast away upon the island yonder will be so lengthy that, with your permission, I will smoke a pipe as I tell it."

Following my usual bent, I did not call at Koenigergratzerstrasse 70 as the Captain suggested. About three days passed and then I received a very courteously worded letter requesting me to call at my earliest convenience at his quarters as he had something of importance to tell me. I called. Koenigergratzerstrasse 70 is a typical Prussian building of administration.