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It sounds like they was running in a pack, and enough of 'em to make a noise like as if the whole damn coyote nation had took to the hills. Wonder how come they're pranking round with a wolf? They'll likely only hang along to cut out some strays but if they do come in close in a mob like that, it's good night, sheep! Them shaller-brained woollies will take to the peaks."

"Anyhow, he shot up two of the boys and killed a horse for us before we got at him. We was out of ammunition I told you we didn't have enough. After we killed the woollies, and run off them two herders, we rid up the cañon. There was him, a-settin' in the door of his ole Kentucky home, with a Winchester that'd go off which it stands to reason couldn't have happened if he was a real sheepherder.

Well, that's all. I thought I'd tell you, for it isn't right that you shouldn't know. And there's no mistake. There's only one Azalea Thorpe." "Was her name on the programme?" "No; she didn't have a star part, not even a named part. She was one of a crowd, cowboys, ranch girls, and a general horde of 'woollies. Don't accuse her of it, Patty; get around her and see what she says."

"Of course I am very bucked to be really going, Mabel. It is not enlivening to sit and pass recruits all day long." "No," she agreed. "One wants to be up and doing. I hope I am not awfully disloyal or dreadfully selfish, but I cannot help being glad that my baby is a baby. Mother has knitted countless woollies for you" she changed the subject abruptly; "it has added to poor Tom's discontent.

It is possible to get the cooties out of these garments much easier than out of the thick woollies. There are many other things that may be sent, but I have mentioned the most important. The main thing to remember is not to run to bulk. And don't forget that it takes a long time for stuff to get across. Don't overlook the letters, this especially if you are a mother, wife, or sweetheart.

In the first place, he ain't a cowman he's a sheepman, on a small scale so far as sheep go but on a sure-enough big scale when yuh count his feelin's. He runs about twelve hundred woollies, and is about as unpolite a cuss as I ever met up with.

During this bombardment we went on distributing our woollies all along the line, and I thought my head would split at any moment, the noise was so great.

"Who are you working for, and what's your object in throwing sheep on Flying U land? There's plenty of range to the north." "I'm workin'," said the herder, "for the Dot outfit. I thought you could read brands." "Don't get sassy I've got a punch or two I haven't used yet. Who owns these woollies?" "Well Whittaker and Oleson, if yuh want to know." "I do."

Then the "patty-pats," with their little dabs of yellow, blue, and red, in imitation of the master Monet; the "slick and slimies," and the "woollies" the men who essayed the vague, mysterious, and obscure were set up and knocked down one after the other, as is the custom with all groups of painters the world over when the never-ending question of technique is tossed into the middle of the arena.

You was out of the way of every man in the world; you was on your own range, watering at your own wells the only case like that on record. And the second dark night some petulant and highly anonymous cowboys run off your herder and stampeded your woollies over a bluff." "Sheep outrages have happened before," observed Stan, rather dryly.