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This done, the maker of the harangue took the plate, and threw the tobacco into the midst of the caldron, whereupon they all raised a loud cry." Such was the superstition of these savages that they considered a favourable journey impossible without this uncouth ceremony. It was at this portage that their enemies had been wont to surprise them. On June 17th they arrived at Sault St.

"Which this person is not, sir," interposed yet a third voice; and, looking up, I recognised the officer who had bowed to me: "which this person is not, I assure you, and my word is wont to be sufficient in such cases Lieutenant-Colonel Jervis," he added, with a half bow to me, "late of His Majesty's Light Dragoons.

The room despite its hideousness was full of pleasant recollections to them both, for when Hulworth was not let Toffy had often assembled bachelor parties there, and it had always been a second home to Peter, where he had been wont to keep a couple of guns and some of his 'things.

His daughter drove the pony-phaeton, with her friend, a Miss Thurston. Regular nobby ones. Chapman's the steam-ship man, you know. Worth thousands of millions! I'd like to be connected with his family by marriage, say!" and Jerry went off, rubbing his cropped head and smiling all over, as was his wont. "I know who they are now," said Charley.

I could not get down to the old place so regularly as I was wont to do, which annoyed me, and I did my best to get rid of the obstacles. When I did get down, Mad was not at home, and I had no right to follow her. We met seldomer; we grew stiffer and stranger to each other. You are acquainted with the process, Miss West, though perhaps not fully with my share in it.

'Times, says the author last quoted, 'unfruitful in theological knowledge are ever wont to fall back upon mystery and upon the much abused demand of "taking the reason prisoner to the obedience of faith." With some, religion has thus been made barren and ineffectual by being regarded as a thing to be passively accepted without being understood.

And it was Riding Day, and she was going to ride with me on Gray Robin. And gay beyond his wont or knowledge was Gray Robin that day, though I think myself he had his own suspicions of it even in his dreams.

If the king would send you to prison, he would not make such preparation; he would not commence with the house arrest, as if you were an officer, who had been guilty of some slight insubordination, but he would act with decision, as is his wont. He would at once have sent you to Spandau or some other prison, and left it to me to have taken further steps.

In winter-time providing that the frost was very strong it would become covered in ice, thus forming a charming contrast to early spring and late autumn, when the rain was wont to transform it into a swirling torrent, which often, so historians tell us, rose so high that it overflowed its banks and caused much alarm to the inhabitants of Esher proper.

And at night, about an hour before bedtime, she would sit down in the black-upholstered rocker almost behind the big base burner her first quiet moment in all the long day head resting against the chair's high back and doze and listen to the fitful conversation in the room, or to someone reading giving everything, demanding nothing as had been her wont all the long years!