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The Germans may be divided into two classes: the caste which rules, largely Prussian, militaristic, and bureaucratic; and that which, although desirous of more republican institutions and potentially capable of liberal views, is constrained to obey the first or ruling class. This upper class is not friendly to the modern women's-rights movement. Perhaps it has read too much Schopenhauer.

Smith protested against Legree being proved to be a Smith. I have little to say of spirit-rappers, women's-rights conventionists, Bloomers, cruel husbands, or hen-pecked. But, if we may believe your own serious as well as caricature writers, you have things up here of which we down South know very little indeed.

"The single standard of morality" offered by all advanced women's-rights advocates will necessarily be a levelling down, not a levelling up; and in a society where the life of the ordinary young woman is that which at least was that of the ordinary young man about town, it is hardly likely that there will be any stricter legislation.

Well, after dinner, imagination may take free flight. Suppose, till the coffee comes, we discuss that question. Woman, I take it, differs from man in being the sex sacrificed to reproductive necessities. Whenever I say this, I notice my good friends, the women's-rights women, with whom I am generally in pretty close accord, look annoyed and hurt. I can never imagine why.

The number of Northern church-members who own stock in under-ground railroads, running off fugitive slaves, and in Sabbath-breaking railroads and canals. The number of Northern church-members who attend meetings of Spiritual Rappers, or Bloomers, or Women's-Rights Conventions. The number of Northern church-members who are cruel husbands.

A vengeful nun, whose hair has long been worn away, will then clip with one snip of the scissors her brown locks from her head...." "Horror!" cried Arthur. "Sure, straight across the neck, you know, like the women's-rights people.

Roman noses are adapted to those which turn up, and pug noses to those turning down; while straight noses may marry either. Men who love to command must be especially careful not to marry imperious, women's-rights woman; while those who willingly "obey orders" need just such.

The majority of women's-rights advocates have always been wives and mothers, and, for aught we know, excellent ones, since that dear, motherly old Quakeress, Lucretia Mott, first broached the matter; and the great change in our legislation on all the property-rights of that sex is just as directly traceable to their labors as is the repeal of the English corn-laws to the efforts of the "League."

Sir, we have no young Bloomers, with hat to one side, cigar in mouth, and cane tapping the boot, striding up to a mincing young gentleman with long curls, attenuated waist, and soft velvet face, the boy-lady to say, "May I see you home, sir?" and the lady-boy to reply, "I thank ye no; pa will send the carriage." Sir, we of the South don't understand your women's-rights conventions.

One reason that we are at sea in some of the problems of the women's-rights movement, is that the history of women has been mainly written by men. The question of motherhood, the sexual life of women, and the position of women as it has been or is likely to be affected by their sexual characteristics, must be more exactly ascertained before definite conclusions can be reached.