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That captive monster, Steam, though in the early days of its servitude, was working well in harness, while in America Morse was after the lightning, lassoing it with his galvanic wires.

More than that, in the remotest and dimmest recess of his brain he saw not sharply, not with full comprehension, this tremendous water power converted into electricity and transported mile upon mile over far-reaching wires, to give light and energy to distant communities. But all that was remote; it lay in the years to come. For the present smaller affairs must content him.

"Twist the wires off a couple of these bales of hay, use it for bedding, and have a good sleep anyhow." "But suppose we're caught in here?" "No chance. It's Sunday morning, no one will be here to work to-day, and we'll be let alone." With a little effort we twisted the bales apart and made comfortable beds from the hay. It seemed I had slept but a moment when I was seized by a nightmare.

Fighting Dick, standing beside Forster, looked back and saw the station full of soldiers. The two Germans must have fallen into their hands, he thought. But they must hustle with the train now, for although the telegraph wires had been cut all along the line, they still had light-signals to fear!

A giant tree grew between two huge rocks a little further up the mountain, and the Italian climbed up it. Lucia watched him, and for the first time she noticed that several wires were strung along and ended high up in its branches. She heard the Italian calling some directions, and knew that a telephone must be hidden somewhere in the tree.

"No, I asked if I should go to the ticket office for her, but she thanked me very politely, and said she would not require anything." "Can you tell me to what place she was going?" "I do not know where she came from, nor where she went. She was most uncommonly beautiful." "Are the telegraph wires working south?"

The telegraphs and railroads have interests in common, and yet diverse, and the problem to be solved was, how to secure to the telegraph company the general revenue business of the railroad wires, and at the same time to enable the railroad companies to use the wires for their own especial purposes, such as the transmission of their own business correspondence, the moving of trains, and the comparison and adjustment of accounts between stations.

After a little shifting about, the three artificial monsters gave their telephone wires another scrutiny; then, keeping always within ten feet of each other, so as not to throw any strain on the connections, they strode in a matter- of-fact way toward the nearest doorway.

"No ordinary plant such as we use could run for centuries without attention," he replied. "This is a highly advanced heat-engine something like a thermo-couple, you know. This whole thing is simply the hot end, connected to the cold end on Titan by a beam instead of wires. When it's working, this metal must cool off something fierce.

But the record would not be complete without reference to the unnamed men by whose unflinching courage, in the depths of the caissons, and upon the suspended wires, the work was carried on amid storms, and accidents, and dangers, sufficient to appall the stoutest heart.