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I suppose my brother's clerk found my address on an old letter or something last night, and wired to me in consequence." "When Simmons was here," observed Starmidge, "he said that your brother seemed to have no relations." "I daresay Simmons would get that impression," remarked Hollis. "My brother was a very reserved man, who was not likely to talk much of his family.

But having wired again to Edwin Reeves, and hearing that Mrs. Reeves, already in Paris, had started for Algiers, a plan occurred to Max. He advised Josephine, if she thought that de la Tour cared for her, to tell him that she was giving up work in the Hotel Splendide; also that she was leaving Sidi-bel-Abbés forever; and then see what he would say.

I had to go down to Maltby Towers. I came up to town to-day and wired you on the way." He straightened himself and turned towards us. Leonora rose and came down the room. We rose. "Geoffrey," she said, drawling slightly, "I want to introduce you to two friends of mine. They will soon be very famous more famous than you are because they have discovered a germ that is going to keep us all young."

Young Stanley was in evil mood, and he meant his horse to know it. His dark and heavy face was full of injured dignity and spite. Last night Chukkers, just back from winning the Australian National, had wired to say he couldn't keep his engagement to ride Make-Way-There at Paris.

The American Consul wired from Asiut that he was detained by an Important Personage, who wanted to know things about Egyptian Cotton and its enemy the boll worm. But Mr. and Mrs. Bronson would arrive at the Villa Sirius, Luxor, day after to-morrow, "ready for emergencies."

"But it's a tremendous secret?" I was moved to mirth. "Precisely: she wired me this noon, and spent another shilling to tell me that not a creature in the world is yet to know it." "She had better have spent it to tell you that she had just passed an hour with the creature you see before you." "She has just passed an hour with every one in the place!" Mrs. Meldrum cried.

The marble of this work, long as it has stood there, is as white as snow just fallen, and must have required most faithful and religious care to keep it so. As for the volumes of the library, they are wired within the cases and turn their gilded backs upon the visitor, keeping their treasures of wit and wisdom just as intangible as if still in the unwrought mines of human thought.

I thought you'd be glad of a bite or a cup of tea or something before turning in. Mr. Ross, who wired Dr. Graham, is here, and he'll meet us at the restaurant. He thinks they are following him shadowing him." "Who?" asked McCrea. "Why, the crowd that are trying to get control there of Silver Shield.

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure, I'm sure," said Mr. Turner, and bowed himself away. In place of going to his room, however, he went to the telegraph office, and wired his brother in New York: "How are you coming on with pulp company stock subscription?"

She came swiftly into the apartment. "Oh, you were very good to come so soon!" she said in a tone made low for none but him to hear. "I wired you, both at your house and office, not more than an hour ago." "I got the message sent to the house," he said. "It came as a great relief." He paused for a moment, looking in her eyes, which were raised to his own appealingly.