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Hank Williams scratched his head thoughtfully as he turned again to the task of assorting the afternoon's mail. "Of course he must play his own hand," he ruminated, "an' he'll come mighty nigh to winnin' out. But all the same I'd like to set in the game a deal or two myself. Guess I'll look in at the Alcazar to-night."

'That's Macgillivray, I'll bet, said young Dewar. 'Where was this? 'Fourth German trench, sir, said the man cheerfully. 'You know we got four? Four trenches took! We're winnin' this time orright. Fairly got 'em goin', I b'lieve. It'll be Glorious Vict'ry in the 'eadlines to-morrow. 'Things like this, you know, must be, quoted the chaplain softly, as another badly wounded man was brought in.

Wal, 'bout the time the rotgut wus flowin' good an' frekent, they started in to pool fer the prettiest wench in the room, as is the custom down ther'. Brown, he wus dead set on his gal winnin', I guess; an' 'Dyke Hole' Bill, he'd got a pretty tidy filly wi' him hisself, an' didn't reckon as no daisy from a bum saloon could gi' her any sort o' start.

Buyin' it of your own father, if there's any estate left of him, you'd ought to have it. Money's always a handy commodity, an' I'd like to see you git what's your'n after your plucky bluff and winnin'. You could use it, I reckon?" "We need it very much," Leigh assured him. "Say, would you mind tellin' me if you find out anything about your father's whereabouts or anything?" Champers queried.

"Iss, turn it how you will, the words be winnin' enow. But be danged, my dear, if I wudn' as lief you said, 'Go to blazes!" "Fact is, my son," said Farmer Tresidder, candidly, "you'm good but untimely, like kissin' the wrong maid. This here surpassin' young friend o' mine was speech-makin' after a pleasant fashion in our ears when you began to bawl "

"She's too handsome," she said, "and too winnin'. I s'pose she'll cook up some dreadful messes, but I'm willin' to eat 'em, to oblige her, and perhaps it'll save her husband a few spells of dyspepsy at the start; though, as far as my experience goes, ministers'll always eat anything that's set before 'em, and look over their shoulders for more."

Says father to me, 'Sam, says he, 'you seed the crowd a-follerin' the winnin' horse, when we came there, didn't you? 'Yes sir, said I, 'I did. 'Well, when colt beat him, no one follered him at all, but come a-crowdin' about HIM. That's popularity, said he, 'soon won, soon lost cried up sky high one minute, and deserted the next or run down; colt will share the same fate.

Her little legs looked cute an' shapely, an' her smooth, round throat came up from the open neck mighty winnin' the whole thing was just right an' I sez to her, "Why, Barbie, this is the finest rig you ever had on, an' you're as purty as a picture." Well, her face went the color of a sunset an' she slammed the door.

Then Worry advanced impressively to the table, put his hand in his breast pocket and brought forth a paper. "You've won this for me, boys," he said, spreading the paper out. "What is it?" they asked, wonderingly. "Nothin' of much importance to you boys as compared with winnin' the game, but some to Worry Arthurs." He paused with a little choke.

He was sipping from his glass and had put a confidential hand on Thatcher's shoulder. He grinned at Carthy. "Well, sir," he said, "nobody has in-quired as to my celebration. But I'm not proud. I'll tell you. I'm celebratin' to-night the winnin' of a bet." "That's sure a deservin' cause," said Thatcher. "Yes, sir. Had a bet with Carthy here. Look at him blush! Carthy sure-ly hates to be wrong.