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How often have I been consulted as to the best school for boys in England, or instructed as to how much I should let my man charge me for shoe-blacking, or advised as to the most effectual way of preventing the butler from stealing my cheroots, while Dora Harris, remote as a star, talked to a cavalry subaltern about wind-galls and splints!

The treatment may vary in the different cases. If the distended sheath, or bursal enlargement, is caused by a direct injury or strain, cold bandages should be applied and the part given as complete rest as possible. "Wind-galls" may be removed by a surgical operation. It is not advisable to attempt the removal of "road-puffs."

They are commonly termed "galls," "wind-galls," or "road-puffs." They are usually due to the sheaths surrounding the tendons becoming distended with synovia. "Galls" are caused by strains, direct injury to the part and severe, continuous work. Certain individuals may develop this class of blemishes without being subject to any unusual conditions. This condition is seldom accompanied by lameness.

There be streaked wind-galls in the offing, that speak as plainly to all that see them, and know God's language in the clouds, as ever you spoke through a trumpet, to shorten sail; besides, sir, don't you hear the sea moaning as if it knew the hour was at hand when it was to wake up from its sleep!"

Sectioning the sensory nerves that go to the part should not be practised, unless in exceptional cases. Give the causes of shoulder lameness; give the treatment. Describe capped elbow; give the treatment. What is "broken knee"? What are "wind-galls" and "road-puffs"? Give the cause and treatment of sprung-knee. Give the cause and treatment of splints.