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He did not wince, but drew himself quickly up like a man about to retaliate. Jan Smit observing and resenting the action, at once knocked him down. Ruyter slowly rose and staggered away just as Considine came up. The youth could not resist the inclination to exclaim "Shame!" "Who dares " cried Jan Smit, turning fiercely round. He paused in mute surprise at sight of his former companion.

I shall be quite comfortable directly, really. I can get to my easy-chair in the sitting-room now I have rested a little." Marco helped her to her feet, and her sharp, involuntary exclamation of pain made him wince internally. Perhaps it was a worse sprain than she knew. The house was of the early-Victorian London order.

"I do mean it," he returned steadily, "and I also mean to say that your love is as water unto wine compared to mine; that is, if we can call such mad infatuation by so sacred a name." And there was a tone of contempt in Malcolm's voice that made Cedric wince. "Don't be so hard on a fellow," he muttered.

And when Simon was discovered reading 'The Pirates of Pechili, dexterously concealed in his prayer-book, the boy received a strapping that made his mother wince.

With senses numbed by the stirring flight, the young girl had been oblivious to the firmness of the soldier's sustaining grasp, but now as they paused in the silent, deserted spot, she became suddenly conscious of it. The pain so fast he held her! made her wince. She turned her face to his.

Why didn't you ring the door-bell? I say, youngster, come forward and give us a grip of your hand. Halloo! you've got your brother with you!" "Not my brother, but my cousin, Howard Lawrence." The two boys shook hands with the three, and the grip that they received from the horny palms made them wince with pain. "But where'd you come from?

Val uttered a queer little grunt, and looked quickly at his uncle that uncle whom he had been taught to look on as a guarantee against the consequences of having a father, even against the Dartie blood in his own veins. The flat-checked visage seemed to wince, and this upset him. "It won't be public, will it?"

With one handsatchel holding all she thought she could honestly lay claim to, Mary Virginia turned her back upon the home that had sheltered her all her life, but that wouldn't be able to shelter its own people much longer, because Inglesby was going to take it away from them. It made her wince to think of him as master under that roof. The old house deserved a happier fate.

"I could do them myself," the latter explained. "But I'm loafing this summer. I'm in town only because there's talk that St. Mark's is going to build." David did not wince. "And to pay tribute into your coffers?" "That's what I'm here for," grinned Dick. "And what are you going to give them?" "I don't know." Dick waved a confident hand. "Whatever they want."

The reading of Rabelais is not easy to everyone, and perhaps to those for whom it is least easy, he would be most medicinal. What in this mad world, do we lack, my dear friends? Is it possibly courage? Well, Rabelais is, of all writers, the one best able to give us that courage. If only we had courage, how the great tides of existence might sweep us along and we not whine or wince at all!