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What is the meaning of your lady's sudden resolve?" "What resolve, madam?" "Why, a resolve to marry Sir Willmott Burrell within this week." Barbara was panic-struck: she remained silent for a few minutes, and then clasping her hands, implored Lady Frances to do she knew not what. "Ah! she will die, my lady, she will die! for who could live married to such a man?

Had a spectre sprung from the earth, Sir Willmott could not have regarded it with greater astonishment or dismay.

Dalton looked upon Burrell's really handsome features, contracted and withered by the pestilence of a demoniac spirit, and loathed him from his very soul. "I can't, Sir Willmott, I can't; flesh and blood must rise against the destruction of a loving woman. I won't, so help me God! and that's enough."

True, he was a partisan of the Protector; but, nevertheless, there were fine manly feelings about his heart; and it was, moreover, clear that he was by no means well inclined towards Sir Willmott Burrell. With this resolution on his mind, bodily fatigue overcame even his anxieties, and he fell into a deep slumber.

"Bacon was a philosopher," said Willmott, "and Shakespeare was a poet a dramatic poet; but Shakespeare was also an actor, an actor-manager, and only an actor-manager could have written the plays." "What do you think of the Bacon theory?" asked Faubourg of the stranger. "I think," said the stranger, "that we shall soon have to say eggs and Shakespeare instead of eggs and Bacon."

The time, I hope, fair lady, is not far distant when you will ratify my claim to your hand; then the devotedness of my future life, the entireness of my attachment, the depth of my love " "Sir Willmott Burrell," interrupted Constantia, "the grass upon my mother's grave is not yet green; and would you talk of love?" For a moment the knight was silent.

"Ah! with Hugh Dalton," said Sir Willmott, thrown off his guard at what he conceived the Skipper's utter faithlessness; then muttering, "I thought " "No matter what. Methinks this confirms the document you denied," observed the Protector, whose rage had somewhat subsided. "No, not with Hugh Dalton, as you imagine, Sir Willmott, but with a man of the name of Jeromio, an Italian.

Yet this was not the only source of embarrassment Sir Willmott was that morning doomed to encounter.

"Stay safely there but till another morning, poor meddling fool!" he murmured; "and then, for your sweet Constantia's sake, you'll keep my secret, and resign these cursed papers." It is not to be imagined that Sir Willmott Burrell would, upon any account, have suffered Zillah to make her appearance at Cecil Place.

"I spoke of neither of the women," said the Major, sternly; "I allude to Sir Willmott Burrell he sleeps not." "By my troth I am glad of it," exclaimed the Cavalier; "right glad am I that slumber seals not the craven's lids. Would that I were by his side, with my good steel, and where there could be no interruption; the sun should never rise upon his bridal morn."