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The boys were in the habit of calling him "Doctor Will" at times; and whenever there arose an occasion that called for his aid he was only too willing to apply his knowledge of the healing art.

Such was the state of his mouth, that he could hardly speak; but mumbling something about his being willing and able to do what the captain dared not attempt, he snatched the rope and advanced to his pinioned foe. "'You are a coward! hissed the Lakeman. "'So I am, but take that. The mate was in the very act of striking, when another hiss stayed his uplifted arm.

In her disheartened moment she sees the sunset in the dark cloud and thinking over the day she would like to know what she really has done. Yet she checks herself and returns to her morning hymn and keeps her faith and trust. "Results belong to the Master, Thou hast no need to measure them." She becomes very humble, willing, and submissive to the hard task of the morrow.

A desire for life set in. Hope revived. He would fight death as he had fought the Rebels, and, God willing, he would win the victory. The hospital steamer, with its freight of living skeletons, had accomplished its voyage in safety, and lay moored at the wharf in Annapolis. Nurses and sailors were carrying the emaciated forms from the ship to the shore, to the clean and tidy wards of the hospital.

From morning to night he tramped the streets, willing to work even till his back was broken, but unable to earn a copper. The gnawings of hunger roused something of the wild beast in him. A fiercer light burned in his eyes, his thin lips curled into hard, stern lines.

"If then you wish to keep your vow of eclecticism, you should be willing to express certain virile ideas on the subject of love which I will communicate to you, and I will not grudge you the benefit of them, if benefit there be; I wish to bequeath my property to you, but this will be all that you will get of it."

But she was now willing to cease struggling and relax. Quite happily she placed herself and her safety in the keeping of a stranger. Half to herself, half to the man, she murmured: "It is like 'The Sieur de Maletroit's Door." Without looking at her, Ford shook his head and smiled. "No such luck," he corrected grimly. "That young man was given a choice.

"Heaven would have been kinder had I seen her months ago." "Say to his serene highness, then, that you are willing to marry her." "I'm afraid you do not understand, uncle," the king replied sadly. "I have the supreme happiness to love and to be loved. Of that nothing can rob me. And for some time to come, uncle mine, I shall treasure that happiness." "And the little Gretchen?" "Yes, yes!

A leading chief declared: "We are willing to have a broad path for you and us to walk in; and if an Indian is asleep in this path, the Englishman shall pass by him and do him no harm; and if an Englishman is asleep in the path, the Indian shall pass him by and say, 'He is an Englishman; he is asleep; let him alone; he loves to sleep! It shall be a plain path.

"I'm very sorry," she said, "but wouldn't that," pointing to the carcass of the bear, "have made them curious?" But Low's logic was relentless. "By this time there would have been little left to excite curiosity if you had been willing to leave those beasts to their work." "I'm very sorry," repeated the woman, her lips quivering.