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What in the world " Still Bill Stover and Willie came into the room carrying an armful of lumber. Behind them followed Carara with a huge wooden tub, and Cloudy rolling a kerosene barrel. "Where do you want it, gents?" inquired the foreman. "Where do we want what?" "The shower-bath." "Shower I didn't order a shower-bath!" "No; but we aim to make it as pleasant for you as we can."

"Snow had found out about Parker inside of two days. Soon's he got the report as to who he was, he was morally sartin that he was the thief. He'd looked up Willie's record, too, and that was clear. In fact, Willie helped him consider'ble. 'Twas him that recognized Parker, havin' seen him play on a law-school team. Also 'twas Willie who thought of the paper bein' in the football. "Land of love!

At one and the same moment, Lance exclaimed, 'Jack and Mettie! Thunder and ages! and Robina, 'For shame, Willie! while that personage cut a caper, at once expressive of affirmation and amusement at their surprise. 'After all, sagaciously observed Lance, 'I'm not so much surprised. I think I've made a pretty good Cupid. 'You believe it, then? cried Robina.

They felt that they had acted wisely and kindly, but it was like losing Willie again; for they all had great doubts whether he would ever return. He was incapable of writing a letter, and months passed without any tidings of him. They all began to think that the attractions of a wild life had been strong enough to conquer his newly awakened natural affections. Uncle George said,

Matty usually tripped over the carpet at the door, and never seemed to become wiser from experience. Oh! it was sad; sad to lose all her fine things, too her furniture, and and thingumies. Do try a piece of cake, brother." "I know a worse case than hers," said Willie, with a knowing look. "Do you?" exclaimed Miss Tippet.

"Willie Scott! ye rash laddie!" cried Sir Gideon "yield quietly, or a thief's death shall ye die; and in the very forest through which ye have this night driven my cattle, the corbies and you shall become acquaint or, at least, if ye see not them, they shall see you and feel you too."

She must be a young person of great excellence to have fulfilled so well a promise of such remote date that it would probably have been ignored by a less disinterested friend. May I ask if you are already shackled by promises?" "I am not," replied Willie. "Then listen a moment.

"He won't be called 'Willie' and he'll answer only to 'Bill, or 'William. "'William, said the teacher one day to him in school, 'spell "ibex." "Bill jumps up and begins: 'I-b "'Stop! stop, William! cries the teacher. 'Where did you learn such grammar? Always say, "I am."

"Fortune favoured me; I was among the lucky ones who found a seat in the boat as she was returning for the last time. Willie Louw and myself were appointed to supervise the boat, less the transport of the men be retarded in some way or other. For some time we worked together, and then Willie left me to manage alone. Though I was anxious to cross myself, I could not then leave the boat.

I dare say Macrae may have spoken to you anent his friendship with Agnes and Willie Henderson, indeed Willie Henderson and John Macrae have been finger and thumb ever since they played together. Now Willie's father is an elder in Dr.