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Where is she? let me see her! we will cram her into the old oak-tree; there she can hold her marriage festival with the wild-cats. Give her to me! give her to me! I will teach her what marriage is!" And she sprang wildly forward, while the others flung their spears at Marcus.

The forests, extending from the mountains in the East to the prairies in the West, were almost unbroken and were the abode of wild birds and wild beasts. Bears, deer, wild-cats, raccoons, wild turkeys, wild pigeons, wild ducks and similar creatures abounded on every hand. Consider now the sparseness of the population. Kentucky has an area of 40,000 square miles.

I have got the measure of every black heel, on the island, registered in the big book, you see me so often looking into, especially on Sundays; and, if either of the tire-legs I have named dares to enter my grounds, let him expect to pay a visit to the city Provost. What do the wild-cats mean?

In these mountains there are many herds of swine, many dantes, lions, tigers, bears, ounces, large wild-cats, monkeys, vast snakes, and other vermin. There are also abundance of partridges, quails, turtle-doves, pigeons, and other birds of many different kinds.

He would have known then, had he not before been aware of the fact, that he was again among Colonel Harrison's Louisiana Wild-cats. The negro, in obedience to his orders, disappeared, but soon returned, with the intelligence that Stiles was not to be found. "Not to be found," echoed the colonel; "that's twice he has failed me. But this mail must not be delayed. Tell Damon I want to see him."

'Well, he said, 'you've got the ways of wild-cats and spinsters the world over. This was an unwilling compliment. 'And I'll say this for you, whatever else I canna say, you've got sperit enough for the eleven thousand virgins! Reddin felt that the scene was hardly festive enough. He wondered that he himself did not feel more jubilant; reaction had set in.

So many animals monkeys, wild-cats, raccoons, opossums, and tree-rats are constantly prowling about, looking out for eggs and young birds, that, unless placed with great care, their progeny would almost certainly be destroyed.

Well, things was sorter whoopin', when somebody ups an' tells Harve that Rich had said somep'n' agin Nance an' him, an' somebody ups an' tells Rich that Harve had said somep'n' agin Nance an' HIM. In a minute, stranger, hit was like two wild-cats in thar. Folks got 'em parted, though, but thar was no more a-swingin' of Nance that night.

"Junior says," Merton explained, "that the partridges and rabbits in the mountains are killed off by foxes and wild-cats and wood- choppers who catch them in traps and snares." "I fancy the wood-choppers do the most harm. If I had my way, there would be a big bounty for the destruction of foxes, and a heavy fine for all trappers of game.

But his valiant spirit found release in many a glorious though secret encounter with boys both large and small, and not infrequently he sustained severe pummelings at the hands of plebeians who never were quite sure that they wouldn't be beheaded for obliging him in the matter of a "scrap," but who fought like little wild-cats while they were about it.