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By isolating myself from all society, by surrounding myself with mementos of Winifred, memory really did at last seem to be working a miracle such as was worked for the widowed Ja'afar. Yet not entirely had memory passed into an objective presence. I seemed to feel Winnie near me; but that was all.

And remember this, Anna; that even though your name be acknowledged, even though all the wealth be adjudged to be your own, even though some judge on the bench shall say that I am the widowed Countess Lovel, it may be all undone some day, unless you become this young man's wife. That woman in Italy may be bolstered up at last, if you refuse him.

They could not be expected to unfold what they declined personally to examine. But they were not so successful with the lady governing the household, their widowed maternal aunt, Mrs. Lackstraw, a woman of decisive penetration, and an insubordinate recruit of the army aforesaid. To her they were without a mask; John was passion's slave, Jane the most romantic of Eve's daughters.

Memory ran backward over the careless happy days of my childhood, the struggles of my youth, and the exertions of mature manhood; and although bereft, at a very early age, of my earthly father, I could not fail to observe the guiding hand of a Heavenly Father who had smiled upon my youthful efforts to assist my widowed mother, and had prospered my undertakings, and crowned my mature years, by giving me, as a life-partner, the one who had been my first and only choice, and almost unconsciously to myself, I repeated aloud the following verse from what was Grandma Adams' favorite psalm: "Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass."

What reader can refuse this sympathy to one who felt and gave so much to one who craved sympathy as the very food of his soul? When Constanze was elderly and the second time widowed, she was, according to Crowest, visited by an English lady and her husband an eminent musician both of whom were anxious to converse with the relict of the great master.

The letter runs thus: "MY DEAREST DUCHESS: I am deeply touched by the gift of a Bible 'from many widows, and by the very kind and affectionate address which accompanied it. ... Pray express to all these kind sister-widows the deep and heartfelt gratitude of their widowed Queen, who can never feel grateful enough for the universal sympathy she has received, and continues to receive, from her loyal and devoted subjects.

The forest refused to give back the lost, nor did it breathe one word of her, to ease the gloom which hung so heavily upon his soul. A footfall caught his ear, and turning, he saw Teddy standing before him. The face of the Irishman was as dejected as his own, and the widowed man knew there was scarce need of the question: "Have you heard anything, Teddy?"

When Radisson returned, he found that his widowed sister had married Médard Chouart Groseillers, a famous fur trader of New France, who had passed his youth as a lay helper to the Jesuit missions of Lake Huron. Radisson was now doubly bound to the Jesuits by gratitude and family ties. Never did pagan heart hear an evangel more gladly than the Mohawks heard the Jesuits.

"Well, Providence is lookin' out for Jim Irvin's wife and children all right," said Shorty, as they smoothed out the bills and found them intact. The next attempt was equally successful, and as Shorty unrolled the bills he remarked: "Providence is again overlookin'. There's Jim Beardslee's $50 for his widowed mother." "And she needs it, poor woman," said the Deacon.

Mr Collinson, the second lieutenant, who had charge of the deck, pointed it out to the captain. "The poor fellow must have been killed, whoever he was." "Who is it?" asked the captain. "Sunshine Bill!" cried out a voice. "Bill Sunnyside, sir," said another. "Alas!" thought the captain, "the poor lad I promised his widowed mother I would look after. Does any one see him?" asked the captain.