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The most considerable movement of the eighteenth century in Spain, is that relating to the theatre, which it was earnestly attempted to subject to the rules then prevailing on the French stage. The Spanish theatre, in fact, was now at its lowest ebb, and wholly in the hands of the populace.

Then I'll explain myself. I have some notes here, made at the time it was decided to drop the Hicks Street case as a wholly inexplicable one. As you know, I never can bear to say 'die, and I sometimes keep such notes as a possible help in case any such unfinished matter should come up again. Shall I read them?" "Do. Twenty years ago it would not have been necessary.

The son's purpose was the same, that of throwing off what he looked on as the yoke of the baronage; but the means by which he designed to bring about his purpose was the choice of a minister wholly dependent on the Crown.

"'A friend," I said, "'must bear a friend's infirmities." The quotation was not wholly happy, but Mrs. Ascher seemed to like it. She smiled gratefully. "My husband," she said. I knew it must be her husband's affairs which were troubling her. "He is in a very difficult position," I said. "I had a long talk with him the other night. It seems to me that he has to choose between "

Nor did he find it difficult to detect many defects and deficiencies in the Roman damsel; still he was forced to admit that they were quite inseparable from her character, and that she would no longer be what she was, if she were wholly free from them.

And Bhimasena the son of Kunti, endued with great prowess, beholding Drona rushed against the division of Bharadwaja's son, borne by his steeds of great fleetness. Then Drona, excited with wrath in that conflict and endued with great energy, pierced Bhima with nine shafts made wholly of iron, aiming his vital limbs.

The Lady had laughed when she said it, as people so often laughed at children. Perhaps she had only been amusing herself as grown-up persons were apparently entitled to do. Even Donal had not seemed wholly convinced and though his mother had said the Lady Downstairs WAS somehow the subject had been changed at once. Mrs. Muir had so soon begun to tell them a story.

The sallow cheeks of the old planter had grown a shade paler as he listened to Vincent's narrative, but he now burst out in angry tones: "How dare you, sir, bring such an infamous accusation against my son an accusation, like that against myself, wholly unsupported by a shred of evidence?

She devoted herself wholly to that love which had been discovered just too late which was not the wise nor the healthful thing to do, as any physician could have informed her. For a few days after the commencement of his reign Bonbright remained quiescent. It was not through uncertainty, nor because he did not know what he was going to do.

Knowing her disposition, and reflecting calmly upon what had taken place, it was now evident to me that what she had done, very far from being a mark of contempt, was the refined effort of a love wholly devoted to me. Since she had found out that I was the lover of her young friend, could she imagine that my heart belonged only to herself?