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Mister Francis i thank you very kindly for this beautiful present, whitch i value for the honor whitch has been confered on me, and i trust that i shall so conduck myself that you may never regret it. Mar. 3. Brite and fair. tomorow is exibision day. today we rehersed. Pricilla sung pulling hard agenst the streem and played the organ.

"We air, Sur," sed the feroshus woman "we belong to a Society whitch beleeves wimin has rites whitch beleeves in razin her to her proper speer whitch beleeves she is indowed with as much intelleck as man is whitch beleeves she is trampled on and aboozed & who will resist henso4th & forever the incroachments of proud & domineering men."

Jan. 29. Brite and fair. it aint the feller whitch can swear the feerfullest whitch is the best fiter. i went to church and sunday school today. Jan. 30. Brite and fair. Johnny Kelly can lick enny feller on Court or South Street and he can swear auful two. i gess most of the fellers is scart of him becaus he can swear so. i aint scart of him. Jan. 31.

June 28. clowdy but no rane. 4th of July pretty soon. father says when he was a boy all they had for fireworks was balls of wool soaked in tirpentine whitch they lit and fired round. i am glad i did not live then. June 30. clowdy but no rane. went in swimming 3 times today. i am going bullfroging monday. June 31. no July 1. Went to church today.

Pewt coodent come becaus he shot one of his fathers hens with his arrow rifle jest like i shot my hen whitch was eating eggs and Mister Purinton Pewts father woodent let him come. i gess if father had been at home for supper i wood have got a licking but he dident get home til the 7 oh clock train. well we had been raising time up in my room and when we went down to supper i pulled a chair out when Nipper went to set down and he set rite down on the floor bang and grabed the table cloth and pulled of his plate and cup and sauser and Beanys sauser and they came rite down on his head and broak to smash.

Elly is Beany you know. and father said whitch licked. and mother said Elly was crying very loud and holding on to his eye, and so i sent Harry to bed and father said if he dident do ennything wirse than licking that Watson boy i wont complane and if he will get up spunk enuf to lick that boy of Brad Puringtons, he ment Pewt, i will give him a treet. then mother said i dont know what is the matter with Harry this vacation. he is cross and impident, and then Keene said i slaped her face yesterday and Cele told Keene it was her falt and she hadent aught to have plaged me, and Keene said she dident and Cele said she did and father said you girls shet up when your mother is talking. then someone shet the door and i dident hear enny more. after super Cele come up in my room with a tray with my super and i set up in bed and et my super and Keene looked into the room and made up a face. after super i heard father talking again and he said i needed a good licking and mother said something was the matter with me and she never knew me to keep cross for a hole week, and father said he wood take it out of me in 2 minits and mother said no she wood talk to me.

Good morow farmer with your hundred geese sir i have not a hundred but if i had as many more and half as many more and 2-1/2 geese i shood have a hundred, how many geese had he. well Nipper can do that sum and so he has got to show of. i havent got to do ennything xcept to say my speach when old Francis gives me my prise, whitch is prety good for me. Mar. 4.

Beany can ring it prety well. June 26. Brite and fair. jest think, Beanys father is going to Portsmuth tomorrow and Beany is going to ring the bell and he is going to let me help him. Beany is a prety good feller. mother sent of the scabs today to peeple whitch wanted them. nobody wanted mine. father said it was becaus i was such a tuf feller. June 27.

The ink was hardly dry, and the words were badly blotted, as well as incorrectly spelled. "Mrs. Parlin. "Madam: If my own doughter is a theif and a lier, I beg to be informed. She has no knowlidg of the cake, whitch was so dryed up, a begar woold not touch it. Will Miss Susan Parlin come over here, and take back her words? Mrs.

Keene was a crocuss and had to come out and sing first becaus the crocuss is the first flower that comes out. she sung i am the first of all the flowers to greet the eyes of spring. Jenny Morison was a tuch me not and set in the top of a rock and sung tuch me not, tuch me not let me alone. Nell Tole was a piny or a sunflower i have forgot whitch.