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While he was whistling shrilly for the waiter, as if he had been one of his collie dogs, Mannering looked round him, and could hardly conceive how a gentleman of a liberal profession and good society should choose such a scene for social indulgence. Besides the miserable entrance, the house itself seemed paltry and half ruinous.

Thereafter, with shells whistling over his head, he will decorate the parapet in his immediate vicinity with picture postcards and cigarette photographs. Then he leans back with a happy sigh. His work is done. His home from home is furnished. He is now at leisure to think about "they Gairmans" again.

"We're sorry " said the biggest brother, who was called Billy Woodchuck "we're sorry you don't like our music. And we'd like to know what's the matter with it; for we always strive to please." "It's not so much the way you whistle," Grumpy snarled, "though your whistling is bad enough, it's so cheerful. What I find fault with especially is the tune. It's insulting to me. And you can't deny it."

Gradually Bax ceased to raise his encouraging voice indeed the whistling wind would have rendered it inaudible and the party on the cross-trees clung to their frail spar almost in despair. As the gale increased so did the danger of their position.

"I'll bet you anything that the breeze won't hold, because you've forgotten the other oar," said Edna. "Then we'll put Cricket up in the bow, to whistle up a breeze. That always brings it." "It's so funny I can't whistle, when I'd love to, so," said Cricket, meditatively, for whistling was one boyish accomplishment which she could not manage.

Jack, too, was telling himself what a peculiar state of affairs had come upon the stage here, with an ambush lying in wait before him, this man could step blithely along, swinging his aluminum bucket and softly warbling one of the most recent hits from a comic opera Jack had himself heard the song on the boards of a great metropolitan theatre in New York had even caught himself whistling the catchy air more than a few times since.

We had issued from the forest, when or how I knew not, and were now ascending a very steep hill. Looking back, I saw a mill behind me, and noticed that Whistling Jim was engaged in conversation with the miller. He was evidently negotiating for meal or flour; but it all came to me as in a dream. "Did you see the mill as we came by?" I asked. "Certainly," the little lady replied.

'I don't want to tell you, Will, just now, unless you insist! she said, a sob hanging heavy in her voice. 'O, all right. 'Do you mind my refusing? I will tell you some day. 'It doesn't matter in the least, of course. He walked away whistling a few bars of no tune in particular; and when he had got down to his factory in the city the subject came into Marchmill's head again.

Not until after the east-bound train was whistling far down the valley and the dawn was in the sky did an inkling reach him. Somebody said he thought the least Mr.

It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches.