United States or British Indian Ocean Territory ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I heard the names of Hok and Togo in particular; they seemed inclined for mischief. All of a sudden they darted back on their companions under the traces, and got the whole team in a tangle; but they were not able to do very much, as the whip, which was wielded with great dexterity, constantly sang about their ears.

But I know what I will do." So, at five the next morning up he got, and bade them bring his shooting pony, and the keeper to come on his pony, and the huntsman, and the first whip, and the second whip, and the underkeeper with the bloodhound in a leash a great dog as tall as a calf, of the colour of a gravel walk, with mahogany ears and nose, and a throat like a church bell.

Ten miles out of Knoxville the gray, his flanks dripping with Wood, plunged up abreast of the mare's shoulders and fell dead; and Gulnare and I passed through the lines alone. I had ridden the terrible race without whip or spur. With what scenes of blood and flight she would ever he associated!

"I'll be drinkin' condinsed spirits an' 'atin' hay-cake whip the vultures do be peckin' at what's lift uv ye whip the Subadar's done wid ye. I'd a drame about ye last noight, William Connor dear three times I dramed it." Suddenly Connor's face was clouded. "Whist, thin, Coolin," said he hoarsely.

Now close the window, and open the door." After I had done as she had demanded, and after she had entered, she asked, contracting her brows ironically, "well, how do you like me." "Wanda, you " "Who gave you permission?" She gave me a blow with the whip. "You are very beautiful, mistress." Wanda smiled and sat down in the arm-chair. "Kneel down here beside my chair." I obeyed. "Kiss my hand."

Just as I gained the road a cart came rattling by, and I rushed for it, caught the chain that hung below, and swung thrillingly between the dizzy wheels, choked and blinded with delicious-smelling dust, the world slipping by me like a streaky ribbon below, till the driver licked at me with his whip, and I had to descend to earth again.

If the quickest way for the American people to get a decent world a world we want to do business in, is to whip German militarism in industry, and if the quickest way to whip German militarism abroad is to whip it at home, why is it we are not everywhere opening up our factories, calling in our money and our men and settling down to work?

"Of course, as the poor horse couldn't get her food, she grew very thin, and at last was so frightened that the hostler could scarcely get her into the stall. Several times he had to whip her before she would enter it, and then she stood as far back as possible, trembling like a leaf.

India can cut in not without profit to herself when her harvest is good and the American yield poor; but this very big country can, upon the average, supply the earth with all the beef and bread that is required. A man in the train said to me: "We kin feed all the earth, jest as easily as we kin whip all the earth." Now the second statement is as false as the first is true.

Harry Ormond!" "Here!" answered Harry; and as the shouts were repeated he recognized the voice of O'Tara, who now came, whip in hand, followed by his dogs, running down the bank to him. "Oh! Harry Ormond, I've brought great news with me for all at Corny Castle; but the ladies are not out of their nests, and King Corny's Lord knows how far off.