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A Gascon could not have surpassed this. Gifted as he was, learned in many directions, an enthusiastic mathematician, master of several languages, occasionally full of wit and humour, and even good sense, yet he gave his books the strangest titles, and his ideas were no less whimsical.

He paused a moment, and then, with a languid shrug of his shoulders and a whimsical smile, "Your Grace was speaking of the discontent of the lower orders? They are very unreasonable these lower orders they spoil one's Paris so!" Calvert was about to follow the two figures into the crowd, when suddenly he heard his name called softly, and, turning, found himself beside St. Aulaire and Madame de St.

Here he turned his back and paced slowly to the end of the room; when he faced me again his austere look was gone, in its stead was the grimly whimsical expression of the mariner, as I had seen him first. "Damme!" says I, scowling, "Was it to read me homilies that you had me here?"

He knew now that he had grown to love the man; Blake's quick resourcefulness had overcome many of the obstacles they had met with, his whimsical humour had lightened the toilsome march, and often when they were wet and worn out he had banished their dejection by a jest.

There is a kind of humour the delight of which is that while you smile at the pictures it draws, you smile quite as much or more to think that there is a mind so whimsical, crotchety, and odd as to draw them. This was the humour of Borrow. His command of facial expressionthough he seemed to exercise it almost involuntarily and unconsciouslyhad, no doubt, much to do with this charm.

One morning, as she sat in that room, possessed by these whimsical though painful fancies, she picked up a newspaper and glanced through it, absently, until her eye fell by chance upon a name on the editorial page. Something like an electric shock ran through her, and the letters of the name seemed to quiver and become red. Slowly they spelled Peter Erwin. "The argument of Mr. Peter Erwin, of St.

I thought Jason was a straight enough sort of a fellow and that it was Medea who brought all the trouble Medea, the woman." Halcyone's grave eyes never left his face. She saw the whimsical twinkle in his but heeded it not. "He should not have had anything to do with Medea that is where he was wrong," she said, "but having given her his word, he should have kept it." "Even though she was a witch?"

It will not matter that Germany also knows and waits. But this is true; if we do not circumvent him, she will make use of whatever he does." "It has its whimsical side. Here is a man who may some day blow up France, and yet we can put no hand on him till he throws the bomb." "But there is always time to stop the flight of the bomb.

To be, through all time, the high-priest of that very 'paganism' which he died to repudiate: the one most potent survival throughout Christian times of the joyous old order he would fain supplant! Could anything be more characteristic of the whimsical humour of Time, which loves nothing better than to make a laughing-stock of human symbolism?

"Well, Jael," he answered with a rather whimsical smile. "I'll try to disillusion you to begin with. Perhaps if you understand me better you'll be reasonable. "All I know is Arabic and Arabs. I've no other gifts, and I like to be some use in the world. I'm real fond of Arabs. It 'ud tickle me to see them make good.