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I guess she saved your life." "How?" The girl's enthusiasm received a set-back in his tone. "She came right along over to us, and told us everything the moment you'd gone. We followed you just as hard as the horses could lay foot to the ground. Dad an' me, and six of the boys." "What did Evie do?" "She came along too." "Wher' is she?" Nan made no answer. The question was repeated more sharply.

An' him the owner of this farm that was, but isn't, as you might say. You take my word for it he'll come to a bad end, he sure will. Wot with them wicked eyes of his, an' that black, Dago-lookin' hair. I never did see a feller who looked more like a scallawag than him. Makes me shiver to think of him a-carryin' you in his two arms. Wher' from sez I an' why?"

Then come the enhabitauntes with wyfe and children, take them, and laye them oute vpon the rocques against the midday sonne, wher, with the broiling heate of the same, they be within a while skorched and parched. Then do they remoue them, and with a litle beating separate the fysshe fro the bones.

The choreman deposited the saddle on the ground, and looked his man up and down before he answered. "Wher' am I goin'?" he said, as though he were thinking of other things. "I guess I'm doin' a job in case I git fergittin' by the mornin'. Jake reckons to want my saddle in the mornin' over at the hoss corrals. But, say, why ain't you abed, Mr. Tresler?"

There was only one other man on the river, and well, Zip's claim was the joke of the camp. He had just formulated a question in his mind, when the words were taken out of his mouth by a heavy-faced prospector further down the table. "Wher' 'bouts on the Creek, Bill?" he inquired. The gambler eyed him intently. "Quite a piece up," he said shortly. A half-smile spread over the prospector's face.

The Lieutenant was startled at seeing me, & asked "wher his master was; it was high time to appear & act."

"I see him through an open door round back. He's lyin' on a heap o' blankets readin' a book. Ef you git along now you'll get him wher' you need him, an' an' I wouldn't take no chances. Get a drop on him from outside the door, an' wal, guess a feller like you'll know what to do after that. I'm gettin' back to home." Scipio glowed. He felt he could have hugged this good-natured stranger.

Yes, Jake's a big swine, wi' the muscle o' two men; but I've seen him git downed, and not a hund'ed mile from wher' we're settin'. Say, Ike," he turned to the man behind the bar, "you ain't like to fergit the night Black Anton called his 'hand. Ther' ain't no bluff to Anton. When he gits to the bizness end of a gun it's best to get your thumbs up sudden." The saloon-keeper nodded.

'You is good to come, Tom Wallis, she said, in her childish voice, 'an' so is you, Lita. Wher' is my fath'? I don' see him. I was ask him to bring Ioane here to pray fo' me. I can't pray myself.... I have been try.... Wher' is you, fath'? Ransom crept round to her side, and laid his face upon her open hand. 'Ah, fath', you is come... poor fath'. I say, fath', don you drink no more.

I expected a hail storm probably from this cloud and therefore took refuge in a little gully wher there were some broad stones with which I purposed protecting my head if we should have a repetition of the seene of the 27th but fortunately we had but little hail and that not large; I sat very composedly for about an hour without sheter and took a copious drenching of rain; after the shower was over I continued my rout to the fountain which I found much as Capt.