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When he lights is tu'ned out, Mista Raffin will be given fifteen minutes in which to summon de supernat'ral proofs whatevah dey may be of his bein' Voodoo. Den Mista Travis will be given his chanct." Amid the hushed whisperings of the assemblage the committee, six men and six women, Aphrodite included, took their places in the circle.

He waved his hand magnanimously. "Sistah Griggs, Sally, whatevah high place I may be fo'destined to I shall tek my wife up wid me." This was enough, and with her hearty yes, the Rev. Mr. Hayward had Sister Sally close in his clerical arms.

Whatevah I say you mock me in this ridiculous mannah. I sha'n't speak to you at all next time." Talbot made a gesture as of one heaping ashes on his head, and then, glancing at the clock, rose hurriedly from the table. "I must go! Just time to catch the train. I had no idea it was getting so late. That comes of enjoying myself so much. I have had a jolly afternoon.

"This does concern you," admitted Betty, "and I'm dying to tell you, but godmother doesn't want you to know until to-morrow." "To-morrow," echoed Lloyd, much puzzled. Then her face lighted up. "Oh, it's about my birthday present. Tell me what it is now, Betty," she wheedled. "I'd lots rathah know now than to wait. I could be enjoying the prospect of having whatevah it is all the rest of the day."

I found him in the garden and the only answer he would give to my questions was that he had as much right there as I had. Who is he?" The wide smile faded from Sam's face. "Mistuh Ralestone, suh, effen dat no-'count trash comes 'round heah agin, yo'all bettah jest call de policemans. Dey's nothin' but poah white trash livin' down in de swamp places an' dey steals whatevah dey kin lay han' on.

Fawct is, I was er howwidly boahed, y' know. It's no good. All of it!" He spread out his immaculate pink palm in a comprehensive gesture. "All wot! Dinnahs and dawnces and bwidge, the hawse-show and ah all the west of it. Vahnity fawr, y' know. If you have whatevah you want diwectly, of cow'se you cawnt want anything you daunt have, y' know. Doocid unpleasant.

This interest mattah was an ovahsight; I should have looked out fo' it, and not put the G. B. T. to the trouble of advancing it; but as we have this mawnin' on deposit with them several thousand dollahs from the sale of the Tolliver's Subdivision papah, the thing becomes a mattah of no impo'tance whatevah!"