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Fawct is, I was er howwidly boahed, y' know. It's no good. All of it!" He spread out his immaculate pink palm in a comprehensive gesture. "All wot! Dinnahs and dawnces and bwidge, the hawse-show and ah all the west of it. Vahnity fawr, y' know. If you have whatevah you want diwectly, of cow'se you cawnt want anything you daunt have, y' know. Doocid unpleasant.

But they seem almost happy, in a jog trot sort of a way, along the old trail the Midlands to Indiar, and Indiar to the Midlands, with bwidge between. We swing round a curve south-westerly and into a tunnel and out again and up from the plain up and up high rocky hills on either side with bushes and trees growing amongst rocks; another Pass of Lennie, I'd like to call it, on a larger scale.

"Don't know, sir, probably half-an-hour." "Aw! Dooced awkwad. My fwend has got the bwidge of his nose damaged, besides some sort of internal injuway, and won't be able to attend to business to-night, I fear dooced awkwad." "D'you hear that?" whispered Sharp to Gurwood, as the "fwend" in question he with the checked trousers sauntered past holding a handkerchief to his nose.

"I cannot encourage you, Mr. de Brabazon. My heart is free, but it can never be yours." "Then," said Percy, gloomily, "there is only one thing for me to do." "What is that?" "I shall go to the Bwooklyn Bwidge, climb to the parapet, jump into the water, and end my misewable life." "You had better think twice before adopting such a desperate resolution, Mr. de Brabazon.