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Their common game is played with little wooden sticks painted of various colours, and called by several names, such as, crab, whale, duck, &c., which are mingled promiscuously together, and placed in heaps covered with moss; the players being then required to tell in which heap the crab, the whale, &c. lies.

"He is not so well," said the captain, "as I and all his subjects could wish." "More's the pity," replied Neptune; "and how is the Prince of Wales?" "The Prince is well," said the captain, "and now governs as regent in the name of his royal father." "And how does he get on with his wife?" said the inquisitive god. "Bad enough," said the captain; "they agree together like a whale and a thrasher."

Kalong and I were paddling, and Eva was scanning the horizon in every direction, in the hopes of seeing the Fraulein, when she cried out: "Look there look there, brother Mark! I see either an island or a huge whale, or the hull of a ship; but I cannot make out exactly what it is."

I was among the number, but when after strolling about for some time we lighted a fire and sat down to enjoy the repast which we had brought with us, we were startled by a sudden and violent trembling of the island, while at the same moment those left upon the ship set up an outcry bidding us come on board for our lives, since what we had taken for an island was nothing but the back of a sleeping whale.

He had acknowledged his mistakes, but had restated his theory so as to show that it was left intact in spite of them; and he had even found cases in which Ziphius, Microps, Scrag Whale the explorer, and other Cetaceans of unanswerable authority, were decidedly at issue with Grampus.

We all expected that it wouldn't take five minutes for the vessel to fill and go to the bottom, and we made ready to take to the boats; but it turned out we didn't need to take to no boats, for as fast as the water rushed into the hold of the ship, that whale drank it and squirted it up through the two blow-holes in the top of his head, and as there was an open hatchway just over his head, the water all went into the sea again, and that whale kept working day and night pumping the water out until we beached the vessel on the island of Trinidad the whale helping us wonderful on our way over by the powerful working of his tail, which, being outside in the water, acted like a propeller.

The moment I brought my right arm to bear, the vicious horse had no chance with me; and if ever a horse was well paid for spite, Kickums had his change that day. The bridle would almost have held a whale and I drew on it so that his lower jaw was well-nigh broken from him; while with both spurs I tore his flanks, and he learned a little lesson.

Jim shared my feelings, but I didn't suppose anybody else did. We remained a week or more, however, after killing the last huge whale which had cost us so much trouble, without seeing another, when the captain determined to steer for the Ladrone Islands.

Preparations had been made for the departure of the expedition in the month of March following, but my duties as a commissioner to investigate claims to grants of land having been then urgent, the undertaking was deferred until the next season.* In the meantime two light whale boats were built by Mr.

Yesterday we had a bread-and-butter note from Lucy Lee mostly telling what a whale of a time she was havin' up at Lenox. "Anything about Peyton?" I asks. "Why, no," says Vee. "But she says the dear captain is " "I know," says I. "Simp-ly wonderful." Course, I was sayin' it mostly to kid Vee along.