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Podalirius pursues and overhangs with naked sword the shepherd Alsus as he rushes amid the foremost line of weapons; Alsus swings back his axe, and severs brow and chin full in front, wetting his armour all over with spattered blood. Grim rest and iron slumber seal his eyes; his lids close on everlasting night.

"Women-folks are apt to be dreadful scared of a wetting; but I'd just as lief not get wet myself. I had a twinge of rheumatism yesterday. I guess we'll get ashore fast enough. No. I feel well enough to-day, but you can row if you want to, and I'll take the oars the last part of the way."

"Afraid of wetting your feet!" said the other; "what a chickaninny you are! Well, if you try to come over with your shoes on, you'll fall in, I tell you; and then you'll wet more than your feet. But come along somehow, for I won't stand waiting here much longer." Thus urged, Ellen set out upon her perilous journey over the bridge.

"No, father, beyond a thorough wetting it was all done in a moment he was on board again almost before I could have looked round, walking the deck as if nothing had happened," answered Gerald. "I am thankful for that," said the captain; "and where have they stowed the man he saved?

Do not let knives be dropped into hot dish-water. It is a good plan to have a large tin pot to wash them in, just high enough to wash the blades, without wetting the handles. Keep your castors covered with blotting-paper and green flannel. Keep your salt-spoons out of the salt, and clean them often. Do not wrap knives and forks in woollens. Wrap them in good, strong paper.

The day was a repetition of the day before, and the natives were again obliged to wade with the tow-line most of the way. But they were a good-natured lot, and seemed to take their wetting as a matter of course. About ten o'clock the next morning we reached the Kenai Rapids, where the stream narrows and the water is extremely bad, for the current is very swift and the channel full of rocks.

Very pretty she was in her pleading, the little Francette, with her misty eyes and the frank tears on her cheeks; and McElroy went to the river and filled his cap with water. This he poured into the open jaws and sopped over the blood-clotted head, wetting the limp feet and watching for the life she so bravely proclaimed.

"Your young mistress got very wet last night?" said Cardo, in an inquiring tone. "Yes, Ser, did you see her?" "Yes I was crossing the bridge at the same time. Is she any the worse for her wetting?" "Not much the matter with her," said Gwen; "'tis lying down she is, a good deal, miladi is a bit lazy, I think," and with this scant information he had perforce to be content.

The bolt of heaven never strikes the daughters of millionaires; Miss Macrae was indifferent to a wetting, and nobody cared tremulously about Blake. Indeed the words 'confound the fellow' were in the minds of the three men. The evening darkened rapidly, the minutes lagged by, the clock chimed the half-hour, three-quarters, nine o'clock. Mr.

He had replaced his parka with his fur cap and blanket-cloth coat, kicked off his frozen moccasins, and was dancing in his stocking feet. After wetting himself to the knees late that afternoon, he had run on without changing his foot-gear, and to the knees his long German socks were matted with ice. In the warmth of the room it began to thaw and to break apart in clinging chunks.