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Timothy Flint, in his "Indian Wars of the West," says, "We affirm an undoubting belief, from no unfrequent, nor inconsiderable means of observation, that aggression has commenced, in the account current of mutual crime, as a hundred to one, on the part of the Indians."

This year women in the Methodist Church South became active to secure laity rights, which had been granted to women members in the North, East and West after they had worked years for it, but the bishops in the South were bitterly opposed to it. Mrs.

I worked my way to the West, became a miner, and met with success." "To reach America appears to be the desire of many in Italy," remarked another. "In the elevator of one of the hotels in Naples I found the elevator boy studying an English spelling book.

The sufferings of the unhappy men after this one short alleviation again increased, the tide rose higher than before, for the wind had now chopped round to the west, there was no restraining influence from it as at first.

She used to tell her parents, half jestingly, that she would never marry till she found a lover like Julian West, and there were none such nowadays.

Smiling, he answered gravely, "I don't exactly know but you have done something." "You look so serious. I'm sure it must be pretty bad. Can't you think what it is?" He laughed. "I was thinking about down there" he pointed into the haze of the distant valley to the west.

All your clothes and parties and weddings and funerals might be described as 'elegant. That's the Upper West Side. Now the dread truth about you.... Do you know, after the unscrupulous way in which you followed up a mere chance introduction at a tea somewhere, I suspect you to be a well-behaved young man who leads an entirely blameless life.

"They didn't do sech things ez these thar in Adam or Eve's times, nor in ourn. We come purty nigh walkin' plum' into a trap." "And we've got to shake 'em off. We mustn't run toward the stone hollow, because that would merely draw 'em down on all of us. We must lead away to the west again, Sol." "You're right, Henry, but that confounded creek's in the way.

On the west front the builders have lavished all their artistic powers in a synthetic exposition of their outlook on life and eternity. As the worshipper approaches the central portal his eye is arrested by a representation of the ultimate and most solemn fact of human destiny, the Last Judgment.

"Such an unfortunate accident," she explained to him, "from every point of view: think of my dear girls, the example to them!... And such deceit, one would not have expected it of the girl, I must say!... I know nothing whatever about the young man, except that he comes from the West from California.