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The expressions "to the right" and "to the left" I have never heard, for it is the custom to say "go to the east-south" or to the "west-north," as the case may be. Even in cities, when asking your way, the natives will direct you by the points of the compass rather than by the names of the streets.

The Sweons have to the south of them the same arm of the sea, called Ost Sea; to the east of them the Sarmatians; and to the north, over the wastes, is Cwenland; to the west-north of them are the Scride- Finnas, and to the west the Northmen. "Ohthere told his lord, King Alfred, that he lived to the north of all the Northmen.

Through all my waking hours one long thought of the people at Cape Evans, but one must appear to be happy and take interest in the small happenings of shipboard. "July 3. Rather hazy with very little light. Moderate west-north- west to south-west winds until noon, when wind veered to south and freshened. Mount Melbourne was hidden behind a bank of clouds.

Italy, which is of great length west by north, and also east by south, is surrounded by the Mediterranean on every side but towards the west-north. With respect to the territory called Gallia Belgica, to the east of it is the river Rine, to the south the Alps, to the west by south the sea called the British Ocean, and to the north, on the other side of the arm of the ocean, is Britannia.

Hence to the west-north is that land which is called Angleland, Sealand, and some part of Den- marc; to the north is Apdrede, and to the east-north the wolds, which are called the Heath-wolds.

The noon position was lat. 62° 42´ S., long. 17° 54´ W., showing that we had drifted about six miles in a north-easterly direction. Monday, December 21, was beautifully fine, with a gentle west-north- westerly breeze. We made a start at 3 a.m. and proceeded through the pack in a south-westerly direction.