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Then I leant down and kissed him on the forehead, and as I did so I wept, for not till this hour did I learn how truly I had come to love him, so truly that it seemed to me as though my father lay there dying. 'Weep not, he said, 'for all our life is but a parting. Once I had a son like you, and ours was the bitterest of farewells.

You must have understood life, you must have suffered; the world was crumbling to pieces about you; you wept on its ruins and you despaired; your mistresses were false; your friends calumniated, your compatriots misunderstood; your heart was empty; death was in your eyes, and you were the Colossi of grief.

Her father to her chamber crept, And lifted up his voice and wept; With kerchief of capacious size He stood and groaned and mopped his eyes. So big the tears that from him fell They were enough to make a well, And, standing in a pool of water, He sighed, "Alack! my mumpsy daughter!" "Stop! Stop!" cried Merle, "O don't be sad! These waterworks will drive me mad!

Thus she reached the magistrate's little office, around the door of which was a little crowd of people, and Duff Salter led her in the private door to the residence itself. A cup of tea and a decanter of wine were on the table. The magistrate's wife knew her, and kissed her. Then Agnes broke down and wept like a little child.

Philip was not with his warriors at the time. The attack on the whites had been made against his express orders. When he heard that the Indians and settlers had really had a battle, he wept from sorrow, something which an Indian rarely does. Everything seemed to go wrong. He tried to make peace with the whites, but they would not listen to him.

Carlyle, I suppose it was impossible to be near her and not to love her! This comes out in glimpses in her sad pathological letters. There is a scene she describes, how she returned home after some long and serious bout of illness, when her cook and housemaid rushed into the street, kissed her, and wept on her neck; while two of her men friends, Mr.

"I was ready to die in my despair, when a paper in which you were spoken of insultingly, drew my attention to your articles: To the Dead and To Her Whom We Loved. I wept with joy as I read them; I am not then left alone to suffer? I am not solitary? You do believe; then, my dear Sir, tell me that you still have faith in these things. They really exist, and cannot be destroyed?

It is the knife which the demon Behirith gave me at the inn; but it is the nail of Sisera. It has a handle of ivory, you see; and I have wept much over it. Is it not singular, my good General? I will turn it in the throat of him who killed my friend, as he himself told me to do; and afterward I will burn the body. There is like for like, the punishment which God permitted to Adam.

In the Gospel it is written: 'He went out and wept bitterly. I imagine it: the still, still, dark, dark garden, and in the stillness, faintly audible, smothered sobbing..." T he student sighed and sank into thought.

"Oh, what a beautiful, noble idea!" said Frau Kellermann, heaving a sigh of relief that audibly burst two hooks. "It is my little gift," said Elsa to the Advanced Lady, who by virtue of three portions almost wept tears of gratitude.