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Every Wednesday at half-past eleven the boys' tutor, Mr. Sippett, looked in and taught Rodney "Mensa: a table." Mamma told them they must never be naughty with Miss Thompson because her mother was dead. They went away and talked about her among the gooseberry bushes at the bottom of the garden. "I don't know how we're going to manage," Rodney said.

Gabe was, as usual, waiting at the station when the down train arrived, on the Tuesday or Wednesday of the selectmen's meeting. The train was due, according to the time-table, at eleven forty-five. This time-table, and the signboard of the "Bayport Hotel" are the only bits of humorous literature peculiar to our village, unless we add the political editorials of the Bayport Breeze.

We met him at dinner this week at Lady Waldegrave's, and he said: "Would you be willing to breakfast with me some morning, if I asked one or two other ladies?" "Willing!" I said, "I should be delighted beyond measure." So he sent us a note for Monday next. I depend upon seeing his bachelor establishment, his library, and mode of life. On Wednesday we go to a ball at the Palace.

Johnson of N. Y. came Sunday and left Monday night. Clifton Johnson came Tuesday morning and left Wednesday. Some Vassar people were coming to- day but it rains from the N. E. Of course you can pick up no decent girl on the street and I should keep aloof from them. A decent girl would resent the advances of a stranger. The birds are very numerous this spring. Your loving father J. B.

'Well, the receipt should have reached this here party on the Thursday morning, as it were, I posted it on the Wednesday night, and on the Thursday, after breakfast, I thought I'd go over the way to see if there was any little thing I could do, because there wasn't hardly a whole pane of glass in the place, when I all but went all of a heap.

Lady Constantine, if narrowly observed at this time, would have seemed to be deeply troubled in conscience, and particularly after the interview above described. Ash Wednesday occurred in the calendar a few days later, and she went to morning service with a look of genuine contrition on her emotional and yearning countenance.

Others joined them in their patriotic purpose, and on the night of the Wednesday before Martinmas, in the year 1307, each of the three led to the place of meeting ten others, all as resolute and liberty-loving as themselves.

For instance, suppose you, in the middle rank of life, accustomed to Mutton, roast on Tuesday, cold on Wednesday, hashed on Thursday, &c., with small means and a small establishment, choose to waste the former and set the latter topsy-turvy by giving entertainments unnaturally costly you come into the Dinner-giving Snob class at once.

He had faithfully promised to marry her, and this was the way he fulfilled his promise. "Say," he said, after he had, as he thought, pleasantly disposed of the marriage question, "I saw Hurstwood to-day, and he wants us to go to the theatre with him." Carrie started at the name, but recovered quickly enough to avoid notice. "When?" she asked, with assumed indifference. "Wednesday.

"You stupid boy," said his mother, "you should have put it in your pocket." "I'll do so another time," replied Jack. On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to a cow-keeper, who gave him a jar of milk for his day's work. Jack took the jar and put it into the large pocket of his jacket, spilling it all, long before he got home.