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Take it away." He flung his napkin on the tray and turned his face to the wall. "I've got a headache. Tell Waterman that if he asks for me, that I've told you to go down and meet Miss MacVeigh." Kemp stood and looked at the figure humped up under the light silk cover. He had long patience. He might have been a stick or stone under his master's abuse. But he was not a stick or a stone.

"But," said Montague, "suppose you were caught?" "Oh, pshaw!" said he. "The office would soon fix that up. The police never bother a newspaper man." There was a pause. "Mr. Montague," said Bates, earnestly, "I know this is a tough proposition but think what it means. We get word about this conference. Waterman is here and Duval think of that! Dan Waterman and the Oil Trust getting together!

It is now getting on towards five half- past four was doubtless the time mentioned. 'She's not come o' purpose: 'tis her way home from school every day, said the waterman. 'An experiment on woman's endurance and patience under neglect. Two to one against her staying a quarter of an hour. 'The same odds against her not staying till five would be nearer probability.

I was in a great Quandary, and knew not what to do. Meanwhile the heavy wherry, which had kept close in our offing, pulled almost on board of us, and the coxswain hailed us to know what was the matter. "Here's a Holiday Tailor that would seek to stump a poor waterman of his fare," quoth the false scoundrel who was striving to rob me. "'Tis a base lie!"

By the light of a torch borne at the stern of the hostile wherry, he saw that the pursuers had approached within a short distance of the object of their quest. The shot had taken effect upon the waterman who rowed the chase. He had abandoned his oars, and the boat was drifting with the stream towards the enemy. Escape was now impossible.

The masked waterman crossed himself devoutly; and, relinquishing all further design to persuade the other to abandon the fruitless contest, he gave all his thoughts to his own interest in the coming struggle.

Whenever a person on the bank could speak to him he was invariably warned of the Fifteen Mile Falls. "Look Bout, straanger, fur them 'ere Fifteen Mile Falls. They'll jus' squeeze yeou sure'n daylight," was almost always the style of warning. Paul hauled up to question one man who looked like a waterman, concerning the falls.

As we had a fair wind we hoisted the sail, and, soon getting away from the scene of the disaster, quickly reached the hard at Ryde. After thanking the young gentlemen and the waterman, I had jumped on shore with the child in my arms, and was stooping down to get hold of the sheep which I thought ought to be mine, or rather the little boy's, when the waterman stopped me.

Landlord Hull, of the White Hart Inn what an ideal Boniface is this same Hull, and what an ideal inn promised a boatman to pole the punt and look after my traps when the Henley regatta was over; and the owner of my own craft, and of fifty other punts besides, went so far as to say that he expected a man as soon as Lord Somebody-or-Other left for the Continent, when His Lordship's waterman would be free, adding, meaningly: "Just at present, zur, when we do be 'avin' sich a mob lot from Lunnon, 'specially at week's-end, zur, we ain't got men enough to do our own polin'. It's the war, zur, as has took 'em off.

Mayow had time to mount an empty barrel, tune his "A" string by the piano, and dash into the opening bars of the Furry Dance. And almost before she knew it, Hester's hands were caught, and she found herself one of the ring swaying and leaping round the blaze. Cherry held her left hand and an old waterman her right. The swing of the crowd carried her off her feet, and she had to leap with the best.