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And then she shut the door, and went downstairs. Without telling Bunting what she meant to do, she dragged the heavy washhand-stand away from the chimneypiece, and lighted the fire. Then in some triumph she called Bunting in. "Time for you to dress," she cried out cheerfully, "and I've got a little bit of fire for you to dress by."

White sails show aloft; a line of dissolving horizon; a fragment of overhanging cliff wild with coarse grass and bright with poppies, and musical with the lapsing of the summer waves. There were in all six pictures a tall glass filled with pale roses, by Renoir; a girl tying up her garter, by Monet. Through the bedroom door Mr Hare saw a narrow iron bed, an iron washhand-stand, and a prie-dieu.

"Yes, I know that, sir; but your puggaree would have been better, only you lost that along with your cap." "Never mind. Make haste; the place is so hot and stiff." "Yes, sir, I know; but the wash must come last." "Why?" cried Archie irritably. "Because this 'ere ain't a bath-room, sir, and there ain't no washhand-stand.

Hilda, still regarding the ceiling, was aware of them, and turned an impatient shoulder while they should be brushed undetected away. "I'm sorry, dear," she said. "I forgot. You are usually so intelligent, one can be coarse and cruel with comfort, talking to you. Go into the bath-room and get my salts they're on the washhand-stand will you? I'm quite faint with all I'm about to undergo."

Death leapt upon the Rev. Charles Cardinal, Rector of St. Dreots in South Glebeshire, at the moment that he bent down towards the second long drawer of his washhand-stand; he bent down to find a clean collar. It is in its way a symbol of his whole life, that death claimed him before he could find one.

After that she washed her face, and dabbed her eyes with eau-de-Cologne. Manfred, who was so economical about most things, and who even grudged her spending more than a certain sum on necessary household cleaning implements, was very fond of scent, and he had quite a row of scent-bottles and pomades on his side of the washhand-stand....

Then from the waking world came distinctly the sound of rolling wheels, and opening her eyes she looked out upon her room, its low uneven ceiling, its coloured print of Queen Victoria over the mantelpiece, its text above the washhand-stand and chest of drawers. On the little table beside her bed Onkel Ernst's watch ticked softly. The window was open and a tree rustled outside.

Madame von Marwitz rose. She went to the washhand-stand and bathed her face. The triumph that she had held in her hand seemed melting through her fingers; but, thinking rapidly and deeply, she drew the scattered threads of the plan together once more, faced her peril and computed her resources. The still face on the pillow was unchanged, its eyes still calmly closed.

With many apologies, which quite overwhelmed poor Evelyn, she was transferred from the little chamber, with its French bed and bamboo-coloured washhand-stand, to an apartment with a buhl wardrobe and a four-post bed with green silk curtains, usually appropriated to the regular Christmas visitant, the Dowager Countess of Chipperton.

On his way out, he noticed that the door of the bed-chamber on the opposite side of the passage stood open. Since Miss Letitia's death the room had not been used. Well within view stood the washhand-stand to which Emily had alluded. The doctor advanced to the house door reflected hesitated and looked toward the empty room.