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Mo' parole d'honneur le plus sacre I'll kiss de cross! Oh, sweet Miché Jean, laisse moi aller! Nutt'n' but some dutty close la-dans." She repeated this again and again, even after Capitain Jean-Baptiste had disengaged a small black coffin from the old dress in which it was wrapped. "Rien du tout, Miché; nutt'n' but some wash'n' fo' one o' de boys."

The father was being reproved, as he emerged upon the porch, for not "slick'n' his ha'r, and wash'n' and fix'n' up, afore hay'n' his pictur' taken;" but the old fellow was obdurate, and joined me in remonstrance against this transformation to the commonplace, on the part of his women-folk.

He had felt the old man's disappointment, and his heart had been sinking. It was lifted now. "What you say he pedigree?" "Imported Learn " "I know. Dat 's de blood! Imported Leamington Fanny Wash'n' by Revenue! He 'll do. Hit 's bred in de bone!" "Did you ever see such bone?" the boy asked, running his hand over the big knee-joint. The old trainer made no answer.

Ah! mon Dieu! an' de Lawd'll reward you 'deed 'E will, Miché!" "Qui ci ça?" asked the Capitain, sternly, stooping and grasping her burden, which she had been trying to conceal under herself. "Oh, Miché, don' trouble dat! Please jes tek dis yeh trap offen me da's all! Oh, don't, mawstah, ple-e-ease don' spill all my wash'n' t'ings! 'Tain't nutt'n' but my old dress roll' up into a ball.